Zondag 9:37

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Jens awoke with his hair in his face and the hem of the blanket at his waist, his top half uncovered and cold. He yawned and rubbed his face, twisting his back and stretching, groaning quietly. He looked up at his room, the sweatshirts and pants tossed haphazardly on the floor, a shoe by the door, the matching half under his bed. He smiled to himself, and turned around, looking at Lucas. His eyes were closed, his face relaxed and peaceful.

Jens smiled at him, reaching out and gently touching him. He brushed Lucas's curls back away from his face, running his fingertips over his brow, his cheekbones, and softly over his lips. He looked at Lucas, the mole above his mouth, the freckles scattered like constellations across his nose and cheeks. He really was beautiful.

When he glanced back up, Lucas's eyes were open, the intense blue startling Jens.

"Oh, shit," he said quietly, resting his hand over Lucas's neck, his fingers in his hair. Lucas giggled, his eyes closing, and brought his hand to Jens's waist. Jens flinched, expecting it to be cold, but relaxed and moved closer when it wasn't.

Lucas pulled him in, wrapping his arms around him and pressing his face to Jens's bare chest as Jens slid one hand up his arm and the other into his hair, sighing.

They were quiet, almost asleep, Lucas's eyes closed as he brushed his thumb back and forth over Jens's skin.

"This is good," he whispered against Jens.

"What is?"

"This." He pressed a kiss to Jens's chest. "I wish we could stay here forever."

Jens smiled.

"Somewhere...There's a universe where time doesn't exist," he said slowly.

"That sounds nice," Lucas said, his voice almost just a breath across Jens's skin. Jens hummed in agreement.

They heard a quiet bang from the living room and Jens sighed.

"My mom is up. And Lotte too, probably."

"Were they here last night?" Lucas asked, sounding scared. He lifted his head to look at Jens, his eyes wide and his brow furrowed. Jens laughed.
"No, Mom worked late and Lotte stayed at a friend's. They probably came back this morning."
      "Okay." Lucas put his head back down.
Jens hesitated before asking, "Do you wanna meet them?"

Lucas moved back to look at Jens again.


"Yeah, come on. Before they leave."

Jens let go of Lucas, who stared at his and sat up, his face full of wonder. "Now?"

"Yeah." Jens grabbed a t-shirt from the ground as Lucas looked away and pushed himself up to stand. When Jens looked back at him, he looked into his eyes.

"As—As, like, your...boyfriend?" His voice faltered, nervous.

"If it's okay with you," Jens replies, pulling the shirt over his chest.
       Lucas paused before replying, "Okay," with a smile. He quickly grabbed a shirt from Jens's desk chair, and snatched his own sweatpants from the ground, pulling them on as Jens watched fondly.

Lucas looked over Jens quickly and stopped him as he reached for the doorknob.

"Shit, wait, Jens—"

He stared at the red mark above Jens's collarbone, clearly visible above the collar of his worn, loose shirt.


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