Dinsdag 23:58

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Lucas gripped his bottle tightly as people bumped into him as they passed, girls in short skirts bright makeup that glowed under the lights, and boys in button-up shirts, with bright makeup smeared across their lips and necks. The music was loud, too loud, and he could hardly hear his own thoughts. But that was okay with him.

He heard his name, and turned toward it, seeing Milan and Ralph (the two seemed inseparable) coming toward him, shoving through groups of people. Ralph leaned in closely, yelling in his ear.

"It's almost time! We have to go!"

Milan grabbed his arm and pulled him up, dragging him back in the direction they had come. Lucas held on to his drink like his life depended on it, keeping his eyes on the ground as he was jostled and shoved, his senses becoming overwhelming. He took a deep breath, listening to his heartbeat until they stopped in front of the sofa where Jens and Moyo sat. Sander and Robbe were dancing nearby, close to Amber (Lucas hadn't seen her arrive) and Aaron.

Lucas felt his pulse slow as he looked into Jens's eyes. Jens smiled at him, a small sly smile, a secret.

Lucas looked away, to the wall where the countdown was projected on the wall. There was less than a minute left. He watched people dancing, smiling at Robbe and Sander with their arms around each other, their lips pressed together even though it wasn't the New Year yet, and turned back to look at Milan and Ralph as the countdown started.

The sounds of people counting were louder than the music, although it might have been turned down by the DJ. Lucas didn't count along, but listened and watched as the other excitedly got to one, at which point, "Happy New Year," seemed like the only sound in the world.

Robbe and Sander had separated to count and kissed each other again, and Amber and Aaron were locked together, as the music turned back up and the lights flashed intensely. Lucas turned and looked at Jens, who was watching other people dance and jump together, and Jens caught his eye.

Lucas was grateful for the colorful lighting and the darkness, as he could feel his face bloom red when Jens blew him a kiss. Lucas lifted his bottle up to take a sip as he laughed, Jens giving him a little wink before turning away as Moyo said something to him.

Lucas's smile wouldn't go away.

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