The Last Letter

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I will write you a letter, 

Once I get far away,

Far enough to gather the courage,

To write the things I couldn't say.

I will start with an apology, 

For everything that I did,

I will pour my heart out on the paper, 

In a hope that you will forgive.

I will tell you how I wrecked,

Everything that was dear to me, 

And how the voices in my head, 

Finally drove me to insanity. 

So with nothing left here, 

The only thing that seems right,

Is to take all the debris, 

And run away to find a new life. 

So I m writing you this letter,

I promise it's the last,

I won't hurt you anymore, 

I will only exist in your past.

If you haven't erased me already, 

I hope soon you'll forget, 

But if you choose to remember me, 

Please don't think of me as a regret.

So now my only wish for you,

as I pack my mess to leave,

Is for you to have a lifetime of happiness,

and achieve all your dreams. 

I will end the letter with love,

Put it in a pretty envelope,

and by the time you will finish reading,

I'll be on the other side of the globe.

Fever DreamsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz