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I've spent my whole life,

Living in a tall tower,

With a door that is unused,

And a closed window in the corner.

My wings were clipped,

At a very early age,

For I was never to get a hint,

About the life outside this cage.

They fed me horror stories,

Of what happens to the ones who leave these walls,

They told me till I believed,

That it wasn't worth at all.

But after years of living in the dark,

Life seemed like a never ending night,

So I decided to open the window,

Just for a little sun light.

The wind blew my hair,

As the light blinded my sight,

The whole world was in front of me,

So beautiful, so big and bright.

I felt my wings for the first time,

As I looked at the endless sky,

Just one step of courage,

And I could walk and run and fly.

I unclipped my wings,

Ready to make the escape,

Only to be weighed down,

By the shackles in my legs.

I tried so hard to break them off,

But they were locked so tight,

It was as if they always knew,

That someday I'd want to make the flight.

It breaks my heart and crushes my soul,

Just to sit here and watch the sky,

I watch the lucky ones out there, 

As they spread their wings and fly.

It's been years since I opened the window,

And years after I m still confined ,

And now the only thing I wish,

Is that I had never looked outside.

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