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I had fire in my bones,
A rainbow in my eyes,
I was made with the light and dust,
Of every star in the sky.
But I was never to follow my heart,
But always listen to my mind,
I was told it wasn't a good thing,
To be of a different kind.
I was always to remember,
"What would people say?"
For what they think of me was more important,
Than what I had to say.
I was never to voice my thoughts,
But swollow all the words,
For hurting someone with the truth,
Is not what a good girl does.
I wasn't raised to dream,
But to settle like the rest,
I was always defined by the words,
Chosen by somebody else.
I was always to live my life,
As they had planned for me,
And ignore everything else,
That I could ever be.
And now that they have put my fire out,
Stripped me off my shine and light,
I lay down here defeated,
At every battle in my life.
Now they all look down on me,
As someone who couldn't make her mark,
And then they tell me that it's okay,
"You never really had the spark."

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