Chapter 2

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I splashed water all over Anisha's body, at which she screamed and pushed me hard that I was about to fall into the cold water of Banghabshagor.I mean yeah,I'm at the beach now.

"Hey!Let's take a picture ", Anisha yelled.I folded my jeans to go further a li'l bit into the sea,where everyone's getting drenched.I don't wanna get drenched and then catch a cold.

" Yep.But,where are the parentals?",I ask.

"At the Burmese Market", she says.At the beach of Cox's Bazar, you'll find markets. We call them 'Burmese Market'.They're famous for pickles,shawls,sandals and amazing shells!Yep!I must say those shells are just awesome. I'll buy some though.

" HELL, Kaienath!Get drenched ",Anisha Scowls.Her leggings and shirt is matted to her body perfectly.

In Bangladesh, we don't roam at the shore wearing swim suit.We get drenched in our usual clothes. We don't bother wear swim suit.

" Nope",I bluntly say.

"You shouldn't have been here then", Anisha pouts.

" Come, we'll buy something from the market ",I outstretched my hand which she gladly took in hers.

" What are the plans for tonight?",she asked.

"Nothing more just getting drunk. Vodka fact!", I looked at her to get a quick reaction, which I think is gonna be so insolent cause it's a big deal in Bangladesh. Mostly in foreign countries, teens get drunk and that's not a Big of a deal but here it's a big deal even adults get drunk secretly.

" Are you out of mind?!We'll create a ruckus!",she hyperventilated.

"I'm not getting drunk!", she groaned.I laugh.

" I'll get drunk and you'll be there to handle me,babe!",I pinched her cheek and she slapped my hand out of kindness and humanity. So cruel.

"Nope!My mom might kill me if she found out I'm gonna get drunk", she frowned.

I must tell her that I was kidding or she might get a heart attack.

" Kidding! ",I laughed at the top of my lungs and got kicked by her.

" Idiot!",she snapped.

By the time we reached the market,she dragged me to the pickle shop. I cringed in disgust cos I don't eat pickle.I don't like it either.

She's buying 'em for a friend of hers.Huh!Friends.....As if they're better than me!Idiots!

"hey!You're jealous", she laughed at me.

" No,I'm not.You're the one to be jealous with my friends ",I gave her a tight smile at what she she gagged.

" Okay!I give up",she groaned.

"Let's go there", I pointed at a shop next to the one we're standing at. We went there.She took a pair of sandal and tried 'em. She looked at me as she gave me that should-I-buy-this? look.I nodded.

" Uncle,koto taka hoyeche?",she asked the man who's selling them.It literally means,'how much the price is?'.

"120 taka", the man smiled.

" Nope!100 taka",she bargained.Here it goes.....

Now,she won't stop bargaining.

"Na na!110 taka", that man said.She tried her best to lessen the price but couldn't.

" Kintu Onno dokane toh sheta 100 taka diye bikri korchiloh(But in the other stores these were sold at the rate of 100 taka)!",she said.The man agreed this time.Actually, it's a trick.A Bangladeshi trick.

The phone in my pocket rang.I took it out and received the call from my Abbu(dad).

"Hells", I laughed.I know he'll react now and I'd love that.

" What kind of word is this!?Can't you behave like a normal human!?",he said.

"Nope.You always say that I'm an evil,right?", I let out a chuckle.

" Where are you? Come to the hotel. We'll be taking you to the the 'Buddha Mondir'.Hurry up",he hung up the call.I told Anisha what dad told me. She informed everyone by phone. With in 15 mins,we are again at the hotel.

Boro mama,Mehrab,Abbu,Ishmam apu,Anisha,Mishkath apu,Naziyat and I took a 'tomtom' to go 'Buddha Mondir'.Boro mama, Abbu sat beside the driver and Mehrab was on Boro mama's lap.The rest of us managed to sit perfectly.

Soon,we reached there.

A care taker came and took us inside the temple.We took off our shoes and took them in our hands as the care taker said.There is a long road to the temple inside area of the temple.The main temple is a li'l bit far.There a lot of trees,banyan giant trees!Idol of Buddha.

We made our way inside the main temple and put our shoes outside of the temple.We saw many priests giving blessing to their devotee.There are a lot of idols of Buddha.

Photography is prohibited. So couldn't take one.Sad?

"Here is Buddha who's giving blessing to this world", the care taker said as he showed us the big idol Buddha.

" Let me take you there",he pointed towards another cell of this temple where a lot of people are worshiping. A women was bowing.

After seeing the whole temple, we got out of there.

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