Chapter 88: Waking Up

Start from the beginning

"H-huh?" I breathed out, shocked, confused and frightened by the whole ordeal.

"Everything's okay, (Y/N)," the elderly woman gently murmured in a calming voice while giving my shoulder slow strokes. "There's no need to be scared about being a werewolf here. It's okay, you're safe."

"I'm... safe?"

"You don't need to hide your true self here. You see, my daughter is also a werewolf."

The door clicked open and the sound of footsteps echoed in the room. I peeked over Dr. Joy's shoulder to see Annie strolling lazily into the room and I shrinked deeper in my bed, using the doctor to shield myself from her.

"And... Annie?" I asked in a low voice.

Annie tilted her head, strands of blonde hair covering her face. "What about me? .....And why are you hiding like that?"

The doctor glanced at Annie, who was now standing by her side. "(Y/N) is asking: are you a werewolf too?" She explained with a soft voice.

The blonde girl looked at me with a shrug. "Yeah."

I opened my mouth, but no words were able to come out. What is this? What is even happening anymore?

Annie scratched the back of her head. "There's quite a few werewolves in our class, if you're wondering. Me, Erwin.... Levi, Mikasa, Reiner, Bertholdt... and Ymir, I think. There might be more, but I don't know."

My mouth fell open in silent shock, making Annie let out a small, nervous chuckle. "Is it really that shocking?"

I nodded. All this time... all those days of me and Armin desperately trying to find out any information about werewolves, and yet they were right there, under our noses. Living amongst us. Befriending us.

Annie snapped her fingers suddenly, before pointing a finger at me. "Ah, that's right! You're now one as well."

I flinched, bringing my eyes down. Splayed out beside me and slightly falling off the bed was a tail, bushy with pure white fur. Unfamiliar to the muscles connecting to it meant I couldn't move it properly, leaving it there limp and unmoving.

What happened? I don't get what's happening. How come I'm suddenly a werewolf when I've lived my whole life as a human this entire time.

I know why I'm a werewolf. It's because my mom was one too. But how come I wasn't a werewolf too until now? How come I was a human before all this. And why did I become a werewolf?

Is this who I am now?

Can I never go back to who I was?

I just... want a normal life. A simple life. To be (Y/N) the average human living in this shit society (#BLM). Not (Y/N)... the werewolf.

I don't want any of this.....

I want to go back.....

Dr. Joy was quick to realize that I was tearing up and holding back sobs, since she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her embrace.

Everything at the expedition happened so quickly. I never got the chance to fully understand the reason why it was all happening.

I buried my head in the fabric of the doctor's coat, sobs escaping my throat and tears now beginning to spill from my eyes.

Now, after waking up from a one year coma caused by that god awful day, did everything finally tumble down on me like an avalanche.

The how's and why's that I didn't get to ask myself previously are now invading my thoughts endlessly. So many questions without any answers.

I gripped her clothes and clenched my teeth in an attempt to muffle my cries, but it was in vain.

Waking up to realize that you aren't who you think you are... is terrifying. All your thoughts, your wishes, your beliefs— gone down the drain. To become someone... no, something you have so little knowledge about so quickly is unbelievably scary.

It's even more so when the reality of everything barges into my mind. There was no going back from here.

So much so that all I can do now is desperately cling onto the clothes of this doctor and crying my eyes out into her shoulder.

A small child.

I cried like a small child that had stranded away from their parents. A child that was now left alone in a crowd of people they don't recognize. A child so small, so confused and so scared by everything around it.

"Shh... it's okay. You're okay.... Everything's going to be fine." It's somewhat silly that those words the doctor cooed out managed calmed me down a bit. That her hands rubbing and patting my back helped me control my sobs. That her warmth made me feel safe.

"I know things seem very frightening and confusing right now, but we're here to help you get through this. Together."

Right now, Dr. Joy is the stranger that was kind enough approach the lost child to calm them down and help them find their parents again.

I continued to silently cry on her shoulder for a while longer, trying my best to regain my composure little by little. At last, my sobs died down to small sniffles and the tears gradually stopped falling.

You know, I've cried because I was sad before. Because I was upset. Angry. But never have I ever cried out of pure fear and uncertainty.

The doctor patted my head. "You okay?"

Waves of nostalgia hit me as soon as I heard those words. Memories of a younger version of me hugging my former guardian, Ms. Falida, filled my mind.

The days when I would be woken up in the middle of the night by nightmares of the tragedy, and how Ms. Falida was the one to stay by my side, even until morning.

Everytime after I calmed down, I'd look up at her. And every single time, she'd look at me with her tired eyes and smile while asking: "You okay?"

I miss you Ms. Falida.... I wish you were here with me....

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Dr. Joy gently asked again, still giving me small rubs.

I nodded my head, fighting back the fresh tears that had formed after remembering Ms. Falida. Knowing her, she would've scolded me for crying about something like that.

Not that I minded.... I miss her weird scoldings.

I slouched on my bed, staring blankly at the pale green sheets as I wiped a few stubborn tears away. The brunette rested her hand on my shoulder. "Do you want anything? Food? Water?"

"Water, please..." I croaked out, nodding weakly.

Dr. Joy glanced to the girl beside her. "Annie?"

"On it," Annie replied almost instantly, swiftly turning on her heels and walking out of the room. A minute later, she returned with a cup of water in her hands.

I gratefully took the cup from her hands and gulped down the warm liquid, sighing as I felt it run down my dry and sore throat.

It felt weird that there were two people staring intently at me while I sniffed multiple times and silently sipped on my drink, but I ignored it.

Unlike before, my mind now feels empty and void of any thoughts.

I felt like I just wanted to crawl into a dark corner and stay there. To close my mouth and just remain silent forever. To shut the world out completely.

But I know that wasn't going to get me anywhere.

My puffy eyes stared at the empty cup, before slowly trailing up to gaze at the two people-.... werewolves beside me.

"No more," I breathily muttered, my voice barely audible. "No more lies. No more secrets. Tell me..... everything."


Sorry :(

Quarantine makes it so that I don't remember what day of the week it is anymore.

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