Ten (Last Chapter)

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Chapter Ten (Last Chapter)

                                 “You could always talk to me, you know that” Jason doesn’t know how they ended up here, while Dianne shut herself inside the janitor’s closet, Jason begging for her to talk to him. In fact, Jason doesn’t know how they ended up like this; completely ignoring and avoiding each other’s gaze and existence, is that what it’ll ever be? Is that really what it’ll be for the rest of his existence? Because if that’s what life offered him, then, heck, he doesn’t want to continue it anymore, logically speaking.

                                 “Dianne, please talk to me” Jason just keeps on talking, and Dianne doesn’t speak, and he badly wants to hear her voice again. He wants to her to talk, say anything. He just wants to hear her talk.

                                 “Dianne, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for falling in love with you. I’m sorry if you think I did this on purpose. I mean, I thought, I would never like someone like you, but Dianne, I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you. Please talk to me” Jason’s begging this time, like Dianne was his only source of life, he needed this, he needed Dianne for now, later, for the rest of his life.

                                 “Dianne” He cries again, and then he hears a sob escaping her lips, he could hear her once again.

                                “Dianne” Jason cries, and although, he wants to talk more, the principal was walking their way, and he wants to curse, but he wanted Dianne out, now.

                                “Mister Richardson! What’s happening there?” Principal asks, and Jason freezes, damn him, and his situation.

                                “N-nothing, sir” He answers, although, his word breaks and the principal had to ask him to step back.

                                “Whoever you are inside, please come out” The Principal orders, and she does. Jason heard the door open, and she comes out, and she looked beautiful in her dress, although, her cheeks were stained with tears.

                                 “What happened here, Miss Salvador? Is this young man harassing you?”

                                 “WHAT?! I would never harass her” Jason explains himself.

                                 “Then, what’s happening here?” Principal asks

                                 “I didn’t want to dance with him, because I’m afraid of falling. I didn’t want to dance with him because I’m not good in dancing, I’m never good in dancing, and so, I can’t dance with him”

                                 “Teenagers” Principal scoffs leaving the two young earthlings with their undersigned feelings.

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