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        I walked down the hall, searching for my locker, I just needed to tuck in my diary before I walk in my next class, which apparently is math, walking down these halls were terrifying, it was big, huge and frightening. I don’t get bullied, people are too basic here to actually bully another person, but I didn’t fancy large halls, it looks like one of those halls in horror movies, which meant, one time or another, someone would just pop out and slit my gorgeous, I mean, masculine body, My masculine body.

   I could see my locker in sight, and my classmates were walking along, and I almost thought, I was the only human walking through this huge halls. I took out my diary, which ‘Jason’s privaties’ was written in bold purple letters. Before I even put it in, One of my classmate, Thomas looked at me with a huge grin.

    “Seriously, man? You own a diary? That’s so gay” 

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