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~ Chapter One ~

   I didn’t think it was right to stare at Thomas with my eyes popping out of my socket, but goodness gracious, Thomas had been my friend since elementary, somewhere between friends yet not a best friend, and he had to find out I have a diary. It’s not like I wanted to keep my diary in my bag and stroll in the school, it’s just that I had to write down the awesome adventure I had yesterday, and I was not yet done, although, my mother was already at the urge of breaking my bedroom’s door down just because I couldn’t respond to her as I was writing the last bits of what happened yesterday.

   But to be quite honest, I also waste my time in doing nothing at all, as I didn’t really have an adventure yesterday, the adventure that I did yesterday was mown the lawn.. awkwaaaaard.

   “Thomas! I didn’t see you there!” I exclaimed and he smiles at me, his set of teeth on display.

   “I can’t believe you write a diary” He finally spoke, seriously? He really had to speak about my little diary, my precious little diary.

   “Oh, yeah. I write important events there. You know, important things” I said with a small smile and he just chuckles.

   “Whatever floats your boat, Richardson”  

   Did I screw up? I hope not, because it would be really awkward, especially  when I’ve just been accused of being Gay, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being gay, as long as you’re being yourself and you love that self that you’ve created.

   “Did I hear it, right? You have a diary?” Dianne asks as she walks over to me.

   “Back off! I don’t want to talk about it!” I exclaim and she just snickered around me.

   “Don’t you have a class to attend?” I ask

   “Don’t you have a class to attend?” The Question was turned back at me.

   “I need time and space” I mumble


   “For you coming in my life” I retorted

   “So, I’ve entered your life?”

    “Get lost, Dianne!” I exclaimed and she just laughed leaving me with my own peace.

    I can’t even get over the fact that my diary was now out in the open, people are going to know soon that I own a diary, they’d snatch it away from me! They’ll read all the exclusives I’ve written inside! They’ll read all the things I write about Justin Bieber or how I hate the human society or the whole world, or not, because I’m still a human being, a gorgeous human being to be exact.

   Whatever I was feeling, I had to shrug it off, because Mister Reed wouldn’t fancy me being late at all, but it’s me, we’re talking about. I’m good in math, okay, I think you’ve found my personality, I’m this sarcastic person with a lot of cockiness, sassyness, and wilderness in me, and no one will ever know how to handle me, and that somehow, aches. Can you believe it? I’m actually waiting for a person to fit all the puzzles and get to know me, who knows that when I laugh a little too much, I’m actually controlling myself from crying, people who knew that I enjoyed cuddling more than theatres.

    I entered the class and Mister Reed just smiled at me and I shrugged getting to my place, I could hear some students snicker at front just because Mister Reed didn’t bother to give me a lecture, but I could say, I wasn’t really shocked at all. It’s like a regular issue of mine.

    I just tried to pay attention to whatever Mister Reed was teaching, looking down at my notes, I just scribbled ‘My Diary’ on it, I grew up addicted to My Diary, well, it’s where I write things that are important and are really important. I thought about the things I would be doing later, probably jump on my bed and play flappy birds on my phone or break more of my mother’s plates. Yes, my mother’s plates because I’m still living with her and everything I touch is hers apparently, Isn’t that sick?

    Well for me, it is.

    “Richardson! Are you not listening?!” Mister Reed finally saw the attention-less I was paying to him and I guess it annoyed him and I just looked at him with an innocent smile.

    “I’m sorry, sir. My head’s just pounding” I lied

    “Do you need to go to the clinic?” He asks

    “Please, Sir” I answered, hoping that this was the way I could escape-

    “Jhonson, please help Richardson” Mister Reed said and my internals were about to kill every inch of human species, because of all people, why did Thomas have to help me?

    “Yes, Sir” Thomas answers making his way to me and I just smiled a small smile to him and he returned the smile.

    “I can do it” I whisper

    “No, I insist” He said trying to hold me up.

    I couldn’t even register that we were already in the clinic because I was still wondering how a human being could be so nice and genuine and I can’t even explain it at all… If people continued to grow like Thomas, there would still be a hope to humanity.

    “Thank you” I whisper and he smiles at me once again. He needed to stop doing that, because he was starting to become an angel at my eyes, and that’s not even normal, at least not to me.

    “Stop day dreaming about the dude” A voice echoed through my head and I turned my face to her, annoyance clearly getting the best of me.


     “What are you doing here? Are you actually following me?” I asked and Dianne just laughed.

     “You wish I did. But, nope. I help here when I don’t have classes. I need to work, our business collapsed, and this is the only way I can support my school” Dianne said, and there goes my sensitivity.

     “I’m sorry”

      “I don’t need sympathy. But, Thank you” She said and smiled at me.

   Maybe, just maybe, Dianne wasn’t that bad after all. But let us have a round of screams because Thomas dropped me in the Clinic!!


I cannot even .-.

So, that’s the first chapter, I hope that’s enough for a first, and yeah. And yes, as you can see, Jason doesn’t really say whether he’s gay or not, it’ll come up later though, don’t even force me to tell you now, hihi.

Anyways, Richardson and Johnson are their last names, I hope you figured that out ^_^


-Reen xx

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