All the difference

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Thresh was right. I need help. I need his help. Reprogramming the entire Collector database was impossible for one, but maybe with two master programmers...

I rapped on his door.

"Just a sec," He called from inside.

I kept knocking.

"I said I'm coming! Let me put a shirt on--oh forget it!"

The door flew open and I almost knocked on his face.

Shirtless, he frowned. "What do you want..."

"You have to come with me," I said and stepped down the stairs. I gestured for him to come. "I don't have time to explain but I need your help. We have to--"

"No." He said. "I'm not going with you." When he looked at me he didn't see a friend anymore. "For years I've been three steps behind. I've had to claw my way to keep up with you while everything you dreamed of fell into your lap. Finally, an apple falls into mine and you want to rip it away. Not this time...I'm sorry about Kasey, Sen. She really was an amazing girl."

"You remember her?" Now I was angry. How could he act like everything was fine?

"The moment you said her name it came back to me...Whatever you're mixed up in, you're on your own." His words dropped like icicles.

"She was your friend too!" I cried.

He closed the door and locked it.

People tell you the truth when they have nothing to lose. 

A new rage swarmed inside my chest. I didn't have time to mourn our lost friendship. I waved down a cab and rode to the real heart of the city. The heart of the beast.

We got caught in a traffic jam a couple of blocks before the building. For an extra $20 the driver let me buy his cap. I jumped from the car and joined a herd of pedestrians. With every step, my mind battled against itself. I have to follow the plan. The plan is stupid. If Cyron isn't there, if his mind was wiped, if he doesn't want to help me, I will be captured and annihilated on the spot.

I stopped in front of the Collector's building. Like the ones around it, this building was mostly windows. Its thick tint made it impossible to see what government secrets hid behind. My distorted reflection grew in the window as I stuffed my hands in my pockets and strode toward the building. 

I'm a maintenance worker. I'm here to update a broken server. Am I part of a secret rebellion whose sole purpose is to destroy our current way of life? Ha. Ha. Ha. Why would you say that?...

The doors slid open without a sound and welcomed me into the air-conditioned lobby. The ground floor was painted a calming blue that matched white marble counters and fixtures. A half-circle of black granite formed a receptionist desk along the far wall. Immediately before it was my first obstacle: The metal detectors and ID check. I hesitated. 

Could I turn around?

What would I go back to?

They'll find me soon if they're not paces behind already.

"Name and ID," a familiar voice called. Cyron's eyes widened ever so slightly when he saw my face beneath the cap.

I stepped forward and emptied my pockets into the bin. He grabbed my wallet while another guarded gestured for me to step into the x-ray machine. I walked inside and held my arms to match the little, yellow figure painted inside. A long black arm whipped around me.

"Step over here," the man pointed. 

I obeyed and prayed the screen would turn green. From the corner of my eyes, I watched Cyron fumble with my wallet and stare at the name on my ID.

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