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I think I'm ending 10 Reasons Not to fall in Love. I have a bad habit, you see. For me, writing stories includes reading them. I enjoy reading my own stories, figuring out how to further twist the plot, and figuring out what is the most groundbreaking way to end them. However, with 10 Reasons, I sat in front of my screen for a long time, exploring the different ways to write it, and you know what? NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT, THE ENDING WILL BE SUPER PREDICTABLE. The problem with this bad habit it that I never have the heart to finish my stories, since it's boring for me and a majority of the audience. Call me Da Vinci or a plain loser, but this is the type of writer I am. So, rather than beating this dead horse, I'm moving on and starting a new project. However, I guarantee that this goodbye won't be too sudden; I'm ending it properly, but it will be cutting out a lot of ideas I had and going straight to the finish. Thank you everyone for supporting me thus far, and I hope you'll enjoy the final upload of 10 Reasons not to Fall in Love, scheduled for its release on Christmas Day.

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