The power of Creation

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One of the armed officials brusquely grabbed Gabriel's arms and binded them with cuffs. Adrien watched as the man was silent and didn't made any move of protest against the arrest.

The model then started moving towards them, shock controlling his body, but stopped for a moment when he saw the look in his father's eyes. He was shaking his head as he expressed a sadness in him he hadn't seen since his mother disappeared. But Adrien was not going to let his father be taken away just like that.

''Wait!'' He started calling for the officers as they were coercing Nathalie to go with them.

But as he started to move again towards the scene he felt something slashing against his face.


Marinette didn't know what to do as she watched disaster unfold. Adrien at her side didn't do anything at first, but then he called for the officers and she knew she had to stop him before he made a mistake. Before she could, however, she saw a small lightning bolt cross the cat hero's face. Confusion overwhelmed her until she saw in horror that her partners mask had flown away when the lightning hit it.

A loud gasp from various people of the crowd, including the special forces, woke her from the shock of what just happened, but Adrien was just stood there staring at the mask on the floor.

''Adrien Agreste?''

''It can't be''

''It makes so much sense!''

The heroine heard those comments as she finally took action, trying to shake his partner from his shock first.

''What a nice party!'' Exclaimed a voice she really didn't want to hear right now, making her look from her paralyzed boyfriend to the blue girl who just walked in from the main door, as if she was a guest late to the gala instead of a villain about to cause mayhem.

''Lila'' Ladybug muttered to herself, then noticed the small black butterfly.


Luka bit his lip as he saw Gabriel Agreste being taken away by the police, then as quickly as he could started running towards any private spot to transform into Viperion. He heard Chloe's steps behind him as they both ran, and he decided he had no time to lose on trying to get the girl out of the place.

He found the men's bathroom and transformed inside, not bothering to check if there was anyone listening from one of the stalls. When he came out, Chloe was taking her pepper spray from her purse and tying her long hair back into a ponytail. He knew there would be no point -And no time- to argue with her, so he just gave her a look and started running back to the main room.

But when he turned a corner, he saw that the whole place was surrounded by a wall of strong winds.

''What is this?!'' He exclaimed frustrated. He couldn't even peek what was happening inside, the winds carrying all the curtains and fabrics that used to cover the tables and windows of the room.

Viperion tried touching it but a commanding ''Stop!'' Coming from behind him made him hesitate just millimeters before the weird, giant tornado touched his fingertips.

Chloe then approached the wall of wind, a decorative chandelier on her hands, and poked at it with one of the ends of the object. It got sucked out of her hands immediately and disappeared, probably already part of the whole bunch of things that were spinning around the room.

''I can't use my powers if I can't see what's going on!'' He complained, hands on his hair in desperation. They did not see this coming, at all. The dragon user didn't do anything like this on their first fights!

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