The illusion of trust

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Saying that Marinette was nervous would be an understatement. The girl and her partner had to leave the mansion with their new outfits in a bag, dress themselves in Marinette's room, transform into Chat Noir and Ladybug then head to the gala as the hour of its opening approached.

They were on that second part, the girl was waiting for her boyfriend to come out of her bathroom wearing his new Chat Noir themed suit. In the meantime, she looked at herself in the mirror, checking that every corner of her gown was perfect.

Gabriel and her ended up changing her original design a lot, but she liked the results. Her first idea was a happy mix between Ladybug and Marinette's styles. It had a lot of black dots on red fabric, frills and sequences. This gown that she was now wearing was a lot more mature. It was a mutual agreement, since she would not be transformed while wearing this, that they had to make her look as different from Marinette as possible, but also keep herself recognizable as Ladybug. The result was her looking like an intimidating queen, a mature woman that was mysterious and collected. She supposed that is how most people that didn't know her saw Ladybug.

She put on the mask to complete the look, and felt a chill through her whole body watching the figure in the mirror. A permanent smile was plastered on her otherwise inexpressive face, blue eyes made of a special material that let her see through with no problems, but that hid her real ones behind. The mask had both black and polka-dotted red, and the same went for the dress. The fabric with the black spots was underneath a piece that covered her from her chest to her feet. She had long black sleeves that went up to her shoulders and covered most of her arms, and on top of those were the simulated bug wings, a transparent gold and shiny fabric. Gold was the extra accent decorating both her and Chat Noirs outfits, the most notorious part being the miracle box symbol that, in her case, laid on one of her hips.

''Wow'' She heard Adrien's voice from behind her as he came out of the bathroom. She turned around and saw that he, too, was wearing his mask, which surprised her because his voice didn't sound muffled at all. Money sure did help with these things, she briefly thought before she got hypnotized by her partners look.

He was wearing what would be a simple black suit if it wasn't for the green and gold decorations, and the cat mask. the miraculous symbol was on his back, gold like hers and like the metal piece he had on one of his shoulders, a golden paw. His hair looked mostly the same as Chat Noir's did in his suit, while she had to wear extensions for the tomato to look as good as it did, with all its intricate shapes.

He slowly approached her and then stood by her side, staring at them both in the mirror.

''We look... kind of scary'' He said, concern in his voice. She nodded, thinking that the costumes made them look a bit unapproachable, like a king and a queen, instead of heroes about to pledge their service to a city. Then again, that could work too. She had faith in her speech and the fact that a mask would be covering her emotions from everyone as she spoke made her a little less nervous about the whole thing. It had it's pros and cons.

She looked up to Adrien- no, Chat Noir, and tried to find anything on his covered face. the green eyes on his mask were made of the same lens that her blue ones were, and she confirmed that it was impossible to see through them from the outside. She did a little nod, confidence returning to her and though she was still anxious, at least she was positive no one would recognize them as Marinette and Adrien, glamour or not.

''Shall we, princess?'' He said as he offered her his arm. She could tell he was smiling by the tone of his voice, and she couldn't help but join after hearing that nickname. For the first time ever, the title kind of fit her, she thought looking at herself one last time on the mirror before calling for her transformation.

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