They really need to talk

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Marinette sits anxiously and alone, Alya taking now what was Adrien's spot besides Nino, who was not hiding his face anymore but still looked very upset.

She hates this, this whole situation is crushing her heart. She knows Adrien didn't break Ninos headphones but she's also sure that if she tries to defend him now she will just make things worse. Not to mention they are on class now, can't really do much except share glances with Alya, who seems to have only one worry now: Making Nino feel better.

Marinette starts fearing the worst. What if Adrien got akumatized right now? He never did before and she really really really didn't want to fight him. Specially knowing that even if he calmed down and felt better after being defeated, the problem won't just disappear. Lila is still here, her lies still stand, Adrien still looks like an unstable brute to most of the class, just like Marinette looked like a jealous fangirl when she tried to prove Lila wrong.

She just hopes her support to him is enough to make him feel better and, hey, maybe all this would become a new reason to bond closely with her crush. Marinette was debating in her mind whether to feel guilty or not about her hopefulness about all this when Adrien finally entered the class. Mme. Bustier threw a typical teacher tease about his late arrival but didn't punish him further and just told him to sit next to Marinette. The teacher was not there to see the drama, but she could smell tension between teenagers like it was a super power.

Marinette was grateful for the easy entrance her crush had, and for the fact that now that he was sitting beside her she could finally try to comfort him somehow.

As he sat down, however, Marinette instantly fell a chill looking at his face. He wouldn't look at her in the eye and his face was blank. He obviously tried his hardest to conceal the physical evidence that pointed out he had been crying, but other than that, she saw no clue in his expression of how he was feeling. This made her hesitate, but decided to slide him a quick note anyways. Just a little proposal to talk together after class.

Adrien looked at the note quickly then wrote a single word in reply: Photoshoot.

The heroine frowned but he just ignored her now, all his concentration on taking notes.

Marinette spent that whole afternoon class thinking, confused about Adrien's behavior. Why was it that the one rare chance she got to sit next to him for a whole period he's an ice statue that moves and takes notes? Nevermind that, what the heck happened to him? She was sure he cried when he went away, the puffiness on his eyes betrayed that much. But he acted as if nothing happened. Only almost at the end of the class he glanced at Nino for a moment and his expression finally showed something. A little frown, then continued working, still frowning. She officially had no idea what was inside Adrien Agreste's mind, and she was set on trying to talk to him after class anyways.

Too bad he didn't even give her the chance, disappearing into his limo as soon as the bells rang. Marinette's brows were hurting by the time she got home, frown deep and seemingly permanent now. Sabine and Tom noticed and asked how her day was, and she just told them that there was a fight between her friends but nothing they could do, she just wanted to be alone in her room now. They understood and just gave her a couple cookies and a pat on her shoulders.

''I don't get it Tikki, it's like he went to the bathroom, the toilet ate Adrien and someone else came out, but at the same time it looked like he was crying!'' She let her frustration out. Tikki floated out of her bag and grabbed one of the cookies ''I don't know Marinette, maybe he knows some really good relaxation methods?'' The tiny god suggested. Tikki really didn't know what was going on, but she was pretty sure Plagg did by now, she would have to break a couple rules maybe and ask him when she got the chance... when would that be was the bigger question. The god of creation knew by experience that Adrien's behavior was not good news, specially not when he held the power of destruction literally on his finger.

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