"Thank you."

A shy smile was displayed before it quickly disappeared, transforming to one of amusement. His playful side was a part of Shawn I quickly came to love and I had a feeling that I was one of the more privileged when it came to seeing what most didn't.

"Come on, Sean's show starts in forty minutes and you still need to change. I know how long it takes you women to get ready."

"I resent that." I teasingly scolded.

His laugh made me smile.

"Yeah, yeah, come on."

Even after breaking the ice our touch was kept to bare minimum. Upon walking my head turned to glance at Shawn. I hadn't taken the time to thoroughly absorb his appearance until now, his torso adorning a white shirt revealed by the open an blazer. He wore black jeans, finished off with a pair of shoes I'd never seen him wear before.

"I like your hair."

The normal unruly mess had been pushed back from his forehead, the straighter style suggesting fingers had been combed through multiple times.

"Thanks." He breathily laughed.


We had been warmly greeted at the door by my mum, ushering us in and offering us food before she had to leave for work.

"I'm going to go and start getting ready." I informed them.

Shawn nodded as I began to ascend the stairs, unsure if he was being invited to follow. But he didn't have a chance. Curiosity sparked as my mum quietly spoke Shawnn's name in an attempt that proved successful in catching his attention. He lingered at the bottom with her as I secretly took a seat on the top stair.

"You've probably noticed, it's difficult not to, but Camila took quite a substantial knock to the face." I held my breath as I waited for her to continue the hushed conversation. I hadn't expected her to raise the issue with Shawn. "She told me she fell into a door, but I'm not certain that's the case. I'm not doubting that you don't look after her, Shawn. I'm just worried. You see more of her than I do at the moment; I just wanted to ask if you could keep an eye on her?"

I had overlooked my mum's concern, believing she had bought into my lie.

"Of course I will. You don't need to worry. Camila is safe with me." Shawn replied.

"Thank you."

I stood from my position, calling out down the stairs

"Shawn, can you come and help me pick out a dress?"


"Do you like this one?"

His attention darted back to me, setting his phone down by the side of him on the duvet. I had forced him to endure a few outfit changes, settling on the last few choices.

"That one's nice." Shawn nodded at the green material.

"You've said that about all four." I huffed.

"That's because you'll look lovely in all of them."

His answer made me question whether his mum and sister had trained him for dangerous situations like this, where a few simple words could mean a matter of life and death for a man. Or maybe just having to sleep on the sofa. My unconvinced expression forced Shawn to sit forward, assessing the choices again.

"The purple one."

He pointed to the dress hung up on the outside of the wardrobe. Boys were oblivious. I wanted him to pick one, but not that one. Judging by the baffled look on his face I could see he was going to need some help. I raised a hanger a little higher giving him a small smile as I wiggled it slightly. The material fluttered with the movement, the confused haze lifting from Shawn's eyebrows.

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