Reading Night #4 - 🍋 AraNaru//あらなる 🍋

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With luz on his left and Senra on his right, he was in front of the remaining members and now only carrying his small backpack as he could see the great number of planes from the singular, huge panorama window as they walked towards their flight.

The planes were huge, it was frightening when just the thought of sitting in such a humongous machine crossed his mind.

The raven wiped his palms on his wide sweatpants as he felt every step of his becoming harder to accomplish.
His eyes were unable to leave the area where the planes were located, though wanting to look away, he couldn't.

The elder couldn't help but stare at him in frustration because he knew he couldn't help him.

"Are you really okay?"

"I... I told you I'm fine. Just keep walking."

"Okay no. You know what? Guys, nqrse and I aren't going with you."

"What are you doing-!?"

"We're staying in Tokyo."

"Why are you saying this?"

"Because I don't want to see my best friend in pain."

The black-haired flinched, taken aback by the other's words.

"Eh? nqrse-san, are you alright?", luz asked, now also worried about his well-being.

"Araki, please... Let me do this. I'll make it... Somehow. I want to attend this concert, no matter what happens. Please let me."

The pleading, expectant gaze of the younger did not last for long as he turned around again, having to look ahead as they couldn't stop walking, having to keep the stream of soon-to-be passengers flowing.

Araki sighed as he heard him assure luz that everything was okay from in front of him, the tall blonde nodding reluctantly upon hearing him say that "he was just not that good with flights".

He knew that they couldn't cancel last minute.

They all knew.

Though, imagining the next few hours the other, his best friend, would have to endure made Araki want to immediately convince everyone to just let him stay here.

Inside his comfort zone.

Though, the next thing nqrse knew, he was going up the escalator that lead them onto the, from his view, massive plane.

He gulped, trying to gulp down his nervousness along with the saliva in his throat.

"Here goes nothing...", he whispered to himself as they 'finally' stepped into plane.

un:c had the tickets so he told everyone where they can sit.
Araki and nqrse decided to sit together-
Like they always do.

"Do you want the seat by the window? Maybe the clouds will calm you a bit."


The younger sat down, taking off his jacket and backpack, leaving them in front of him.

The most dreadful part for him would be take-off.

He frantically opened his backpack, not able to register the gaze of the elder eyeing him with concern.

From the backpack, he took out a blanket, which had taken up most of the space.

Already feeling the soft material between his fingers calmed him ever-so-slightly.

It smelled like home.

It made him feel just a tad bit more secure as he went to wrap it around himself, huffing a bit while doing so.

Although still worried about his partner, Araki had to smile a bit at the younger's childish behavior.
When he saw him still trembling a bit he reached over to adjust the blanket, wrapping him up comfortably.

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