I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

The legends of Hyrule's Hero had been recited to you many times when you were young. The reminder that the hero would return again in your lifetime then followed. The message that the fate of Hyrule rested on his shoulders was repeated to you time and time again.

Though, at that age, you didn't realize you were fated to meet him.

"I'm (Name). It's a privilege to make your acquaintance, Master Link! I hope we can work well together!"

You gave the blond your best smile, holding out your gloved hand. Link silently shook your hand in greeting, giving a polite nod and a half-smile. You withdrew your hand, letting it fall to your side, keeping the smile on your face as Link turned away to view what was going on in front of him. You took the time to study him, as it was the first time you had met him up close. Strong build, extremely attractive with a cool nature.

You had been informed that Link wasn't one for conversation, but that much you already knew. You had quickly picked that up from the gossip spread among the other knights and the castle staff. After being offered what was essentially a promotion for a solo job, you jumped at the opportunity and wholeheartedly accepted.

Your new job was an interesting one, and caught your attention from the moment it was proposed to you. You had to admit, a knight suddenly getting informed to guard another knight was unorthodox and perhaps a little strange, to say the least. But in retrospect, you finally understood why they had asked a knight to fulfill the role since, no offense to the guards, but none of them had the refined skill, endurance, and stamina to take on a job that was meant for three people (two being the bare minimum). The job would be difficult for sure. You were used to alternating shifts when it came to guarding nobles or royals. You would no doubt get tired, and you would have to think outside of the box if you ever got sick. Yet, you didn't feel like you had the option to turn down the job. The pay rise was enticing enough, but even if you wanted to refuse, you doubted they would maintain faith in you since they clearly expected you to accept without hesitation. There was a certain atmosphere of expectation that surrounded your superiors when the job was proposed to you, and something told you that refusal was off the table long before the thought would even cross your mind. It was a good thing you would never turn it down in the first place.

It was jaw-dropping that you had to guard Link of all people. He was the strongest and most experienced knight in the whole castle. He was remarkably proficient with many weapons, especially skilled in the art of swordsmanship. You had even heard that he was a child prodigy in combat. Not to mention, he was the Master Sword's Chosen One, Hylian Champion, Imperial Guard Captain, Hero of Hyrule (even though he hadn't really done anything yet), and Princess Zelda's personal guard. The royal family profoundly trusted him, and he was on his way to a future brighter than the sunshine coming through your bedroom window on your day off. If you were to rate yourself in comparison, you were probably a solid fourth in skill level and an eighty-third in fancy, over-the-top, bit-of-a-mouthful titles. The job wasn't asked to the second and third best knights because it was beneath them. Or maybe it was proposed, but they had the option of saying no without the small chance of being reprimanded. Either way, there was definitely an invisible line between you and the top three knights. A line that you were yet to cross.

You received a thorough briefing of what was expected of you, your longer shifts, how you should expect the work times to fluctuate depending on the situation, a reminder of how to refer to Link, the other Champions and royals with the proper honorifics (which for Link was either Master Link, or Ser Link depending on his personal preference that you would have to find out for yourself), and got given a schedule that corresponded with Link's that you were expected to revise and follow. Not to mention, you were given some quick advice on some interpersonal tips on how to communicate effectively with Link, considering that he preferred to keep verbal communication to a minimum. Not that your job was to get too chummy with him anyway, but there were times where you would have to talk to him. You were instructed that you were to remain invisible. That your presence around him had to be near non-existent, and as ignorable as possible, as not to become a hovering entity. As harsh as the instructions were, you understood the reasoning behind it, but you believed that you could at least form some sort of a friendly, professional bond with him nonetheless.

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