Chapter 32//Beside You

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I have fucking disappeared. Ya I'm sorry I was just pretty busy this week so yeah here's my kinda late update. So I already know how the book is ending and whatever so including this one we have 9 chapters left. It's kinda sad but it did have to end at one point. Anyway I'll stop being boring and get on with this chapter. 

Did any of you hear the song about Michael? it's called You suck by Abigail Breslin. YOU KNOW WHAT ABIGAIL BRESLIN? YOU REALLY SUCK!

Bree's POV 

I throw my backpack over my shoulder and start to leave the school.

It's been the same thing everyday for 10 months now.

(So this is basically 10 months later)

Ever since I left the U.K they've been going everywhere in Europe. My parents haven't let me leave yet.

Their tour was ending soon but they wanted to go to Australia first to see their parents which I completely understand.

I miss the boys so much.

It's the longest I've been without them. I still skype them a lot and it usually ends with me being in tears.

"Hey Bree." Drew says.

I still kept in touch with Drew but Amanda and Gabi didn't talk to me as much once they went on tour.

Fake ass basic bitches.

"Hey." I smile even though on the inside I'm crying.

I've just been so depressed since they left.

I hated how the distance between us affected me in this way. It was like I couldn't even enjoy life.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I reply. Of course I was lying but he didn't need to know.

He suddenly engulfs me in a hug and whispers.

"I know you're not."

I hug him back before pulling away.

"He'll be back soon. Don't worry."

I nod and walk away.

I get in Jackie's car and we go home playing 5 seconds of summer on the way.

When we finally reach my house I go up stairs and start my homework.

Once I'm done I change into sweats and a shirt and just lay in bed.

It wasn't even late but I just wanted to relax.

My phone starts to ring.

I see the My sexy badass boyfriend Caller I.D that Luke had put in himself. I smile to myself before picking up the phone.


Hi beautiful.

Hi Luke, I miss you.

I miss you too baby.

Just hearing him say those words made me get butterflies.

Promise me you'll come home soon?

Bring me back bring me back to you.

Luke! This is not the time to make a song reference.


I wish I was beside you too.

So if you had any wish what would it be?


He laughs a little.

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