Chapter 13//Don't stop

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Luke's POV

I was going through my camera roll and I found a pic of me and Bree.

I was kissing her cheek and she had her eyes closed and her nose was scrunched.

She was adorable.

Since she's like the only one to post pictures of us I decide to post this one.

I put some cliche 5sos quote because why not?

@Luke5SOS: How did we end up here? <3 @Bree_Anderson

@Michael5SOS: I see what you did there... @Luke5SOS

@Calum5SOS: Awn Bree's such a cutie. @Bree_Anderson

This kid loved to piss me off.

Bree posted a pic with Calum again.

They we're both doing a pout face.

@Bree_Anderson: There was turtle how lived inside a big big cave and had no family.😂@Calum5SOS

@Ashton5SOS: The quote👌@Bree_Anderson

@Bree_Anderson: Ik Ik @Ashton5SOS

@Calum5SOS: ILY Bree <3 @Bree_Anderson

They're friendship was cute though it sometimes pissed me off I knew Calum would never do anything romantic if we we're still dating.

@Bree_Anderson: ILY2 <3 @Calum5SOS

I shut my phone.

It was Friday but Bree didn't feel like going to school so she's coming over.

I kept my sweatpants on and just laid in bed waiting for her to arrive.

Bree's POV

"Aren't you going to school today?" Amanda asks.

"Nah I'm not up for it."

"How do your parents let you do this?"

"It's because well like before summer my parents and my older brother we're moving United Kingdoms because we have family there and stuff but I didn't want to go so I begged my parents to let me stay. After getting a job and making enough money they let me stay."

"Oh, so you don't see your parents all that much?" Gabriella asks.

"They come back once in a while and I spent two weeks there over the summer."

"And they don't care if you don't go to school?"

"Yeah they do but all they check is my report cards so as long as I get good grades I'm good."

"But what happens if you fail or something?"

"Then I move to the United Kingdom."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, so I take school seriously."

They grab their bags and I wave bye to them as they get in Frank's limo.

I hear my phone buzz.

FROM: Lukey <3: BABE

FROM: : Bree  <3: Hey :)

FROM: Lukey <3: BABE



FROM: Bree: omg



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