The Resistance

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    Rey swung into the copilot seat next to Poe flicking a few switches along the way. Poe slid on his headset yelling at Finn to get in gunners seat in case there was any trouble with the first order, or any of the others who hated them. General Leia sat in one of the other seats patting both Poe and Rey on the shoulder then spoke into Rey's headset.
    "Remember Poe and Rey you get us through the blockade and onto the planet safely and onto the ground. As soon as the door opens Rose will run out and hook us up to a fuel pump. Then Connix and her team run and get the supplies and load it onto the ship. If we can avoid conflict we will." Leia said.
    They slipped down onto the planets surface without a hitch. Poe whistled smoothly smiling at Rey as they landed in a beautiful white city on a reddish gas planet. They got through the first order blockade landing at the far edge of the city. Seemingly even before they touched the ground the ground teams were out doing their thing.
    "You've got five minutes guys, maybe less." Poe said looking at the clock he had set.
    "We might actually pull this off" Rey said watching as food rations were brought on board.
    "Did you seriously just say that?" Finn yelled over the headset.
    "She seriously just said that!" Poe said turning to Leia throwing his hands in the air.
    "What!?" An agitated Rey said looking from the cocky pilot to the general who was chuckling nervously.
    "You just jinxed this whole thing!" He said then to his headset he continued, "Y'all got about two minutes now. Hurry up!" The two continued arguing until their scanners started screaming.
    "Here comes the parade everybody!" Poe shouted as everyone rushed to finish their jobs and get back on the ship which took off almost instantly. They dodged fire and Finn went on attack trying desperately to get at the tie fighters on their trail. They soared into the sky with only a few near misses and jumped to light speed.
    They dropped out of hyperspace somewhere in the outer rim with not a single planet in sight. Everyone cheered leaving their positions to congratulate each other on the successful mission they had completed. Rey left the copilot seat giving Poe a high five along the way.
The rest of the day for Rey was spent taking inventory, being part of a briefing on the resistance allies being held prisoner, meditating, and fixing anything that was broken on the falcon. When everything had chilled out she went to the engineering bay to fix some of the wiring on the hyperdrive. She sat cross legged tinkering with it for a bit, savoring the calm that surrounded her on the ship. The only things she could here was the ship itself, a couple of people playing holo chess using hushed voices, and the distant sounds of what she assumed was Rose double checking the supplies. So Rey let herself relax and smile and the job that was at hand. It wasn't a job that was deadly to her or anyone else and it wasn't urgent at all. Even if this was a small moment it was one she had needed after the constant missions and running from the first order, and herself.
Her protective shields dropped and then there he was standing above her looking at something she couldn't see. She saw his eyes fall and widen seeing her again. Rey tensed regretting letting herself be vulnerable for even a second. Kylo crouched down to her level and cocked his head to the side peering at her questioningly. She wasn't ready to speak with him after everything that had happened with Luke.
"You hate me don't you?" Kylo put on a smirk like he did his old ugly poser mask.
She didn't hate him and thats what made her mad. Rey knew that Ben Solo was good and kind and that Kylo Ren wasn't the same at all. It was all an act. She stared at him letting the anger boil inside her until their bond broke and he was gone. All she had wanted to do was tell him everything going on in her head and ask what was going on in his but she couldn't or it wouldn't make sense or maybe she would make things worse rather than better. Now suddenly exhausted she leaned back and fell asleep on the metal floor.

///Hey y'all so I'll probably be able to write a bit more often because I finished all my schoolwork for online school for the quarter because it's the only thing that distracts me from the fact that I have no friends or social skills of any kind and I'm wasting away my teen years staying at home alone because I have too much social anxiety to do anything else. My life has been left to reading and watching everything Star Wars and writing a reylo fan fiction on Wattpad that apparently has 1k reads and was 31 on Reylo tag for a bit. That is the only good thing in my life right now so all I'm trying to say is thank you all so much for reading! Thanks so so soooo much! If you read all that thank you for listening to my Ted Talk/Oscar Acceptance speech!<3///

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