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    Once on the falcon it had taken Rey a long time to talk to Chewbacca about Ben. She had made Ben go on the opposite side of the ship until she had talked to Chewy. Chewy had roared in protest, unwilling to help his friends killer. She had explained everything that had happened to him patiently letting him take his own time. He didn't budge, wanting to kill Ben as soon as they were on solid ground. It was only when Ben walked into the Cockpit and Chewy saw him that he softened. The Kylo Ren he had fought was gone, replaced by the timid boy he had known since birth. Chewy trusted Rey and the boy he saw in front of him was not the crazed dark side fanatic who had killed his own father. The sounds of the old falcon filled the silence in the Cockpit as the three of them looked at each other trying to decide if anyone would die.
    Chewy cocked his head towards the exit looking straight at Rey. Surely he didn't want her to leave did he? Would he hurt Ben? She looked at the Wookiee questioningly, but he continued to insist. Without a sound the two argued as Ben stood shyly in the entrance. Knowing that no matter how she argued with him, he would not relent. Chewy motioned for Ben to sit in the co pilot seat next to him. Without a word Rey took this as a sign to leave the two alone. On her way out she leaned in and kissed Ben on the cheek lightly, she could only imagine how difficult and overwhelming this all must be. She could feel him slightly relax when they touched confirming it had been the right thing to do.
    "You're the one who's going to have to clean all the blood out of their once their done. You both deserve it... traitors." Poe said solemnly with a hint of insolence. As soon as he said it he knew he had gone to far. Rey's once confident step faltered and her face fell. Words could hurt as much, if not more, than actual blows. The words were mean't to hurt. He was annoyed that Rey had fought at Kylo's side, had talked to the emo killer instead of him and Finn. Trust was everything in the resistance and she had broken it. What he had said seemed to cut the tension like a knife. Poe questioned his own judgment, he had thought possibly if Rey wasn't trust worthy or brain washed then she would have kept walking like always. He had not expected her to stop with tears in her eyes, "Rey..." He tried to say but she had run off before he could finish. Finn stood up from where he had been playing holo chess to glare at Poe before rushing after Rey. He ran his hand through his hair wondering what he had just done.

    The third hold was at the very back of the ship. It was filled almost to capacity with supplies from the old days and from the resistance. That was where Finn found Rey, sitting on some large crates containing what looked to be extra stolen parts. She sat there with her face in her hands. Finn walked over to her slowly, taking a seat on the crate next her. He could tell it wasn't only what Poe had said, she was strong and could take a hit like that. So much had happened in the past few days, he had expected something like this to happen. Back on the Endor moon he had had a similar moment. This girl who was like a sister to him was in pain, pain he knew he couldn't help or stop, but he could comfort her while it hurt the most.
    Wrapping an arm around her he let her sob into his shoulder for as long as she needed to. The two of them sat there like that until her sobs turned into quiet tears. When she finally looked up at him he could see her flushed tear stained face trying to pull itself together. She sat for a moment letting her erratic breath fall into pace with his.
    After some time Rey began to speak very quietly about all the things that she had never told him. He could tell she was leaving lots out, but he was just glad she trusted him enough to talk to him. She mentioned a little about her training with Luke Skywalker. Then she talked about the odd force bond between her and Ben Solo, it was a brief explanation that made enough sense. She continued on about the fight in the throne room, how Ben had killed Snoke then asked Rey to join him. That part was very rushed. Then she talked a little about Palpatine. Finn couldn't really follow that part but he could feel the conflict in Rey. She now knew who she was but it was something she despised so much she just wanted to be rid of that part of her. Once she got to the part about her fight with the Emperor on Exegol, Finn felt so much sympathy for his friend. She explained the two options she had, either kill herself and leave the galaxy to hell, or take her place on the throne and do the damage herself. Until Ben showed up saving her and the rest of the galaxy from a terrible fate.
    Rey paused unsure if she should say the next part, "Ben and I are a dyad in the force. It's very rare. It is like he is part of me and me of him. I love him Finn, and he feels the same." She remembered their kiss after the explosion deciding she wanted to keep that between her and Ben. It was to precious to talk about. When she looked at Finn she saw a storm of emotions on his face and in the force. His eyes were wide in astonishment, but filled with love, sadness, worry, and happiness for her. He said nothing, he just pulled her into a tight hug full of meaning. It was a relief he hadn't said anything. There were no words possible to respond to everything she had said to him.
    An alert came over Rey's com system from the Resistance base. She left to go take it in the crews quarters which left Finn to go back to Poe. When he reached the main hold it was obvious how mixed up Poe was. The best pilot in the resistance paced in circles playing with his bandaged arm. Instantly when Poe saw him he paced over to inquire about Rey. If she was upset with him or not. He shrugged unable to answer the simple question, Poe threw up his arms with a frustrated groan.
    Annoyed by Poe's ignorance Finn walked up to his fellow general, "You have no idea how much the two of them went through! Not a single sole will ever be able to begin to understand! The least we can do is try too as much as we can." With that Poe stopped to consider what he had said. He felt ashamed of how all he had said and how he had acted towards the two after the rescue of the two and the collapse of the Final Order.

***Sorry this is so bad. I just felt like we needed all needed closure on how the characters felt about Ben afterwards since none of them even knew about his sacrifice in the movie. Also it helps with the story later on! Part 2 of this will most likely drop tomorrow if I get to it.***

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