The Resistance Prevails

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Arms wrapped around each other for support, Rey and Ben staggered towards Luke's X- Wing. They were still far from it and carnage was coming down all around them. Rey began to wonder why she had parked the ship so far from the entrance to the cave. It dawned on her that they might not make it before a Star Destroyer dropped on their heads.
Suddenly a strong wind whooshed into existence. Out of the smoke the Millennium Falcon flew, landing close by. The door opened and Poe and Finn ran out to meet Rey. She let go of Ben to run forward and embrace her friends. Finn looked up, finally noticing the guy known formerly as Kylo Ren standing near them. Finn let go and Poe noticed Kylo as well. Their joyful expressions turning into angry glares.
    "What is he doing here?" Finn said making a move towards Kylo.
    Rey stopped him, trying to figure out a way to quickly explain what she already knew, "He saved my life. Multiple times. Kylo Ren is gone for good." She pleaded looking from Finn to Poe. Though Finn had settled the two boys still looked like they would murder him at any second.
    Poe moved closer to her, "Give me one reason for us not to kill him right now. Give the Republic a reason not to banish or execute him." His voice was so quiet and shaky Rey could barely hear him.
    "Kylo Ren is not the same as Ben Solo. Kylo Ren was the creation of Palpatine, it was not his choice to be over taken by Palpatine. Palpatine's voice dominated his own and controlled him." The resistance generals looked skeptical, "It could just have easily been any of us." She could tell her words had not been enough.
    The two generals looked at each other with raised eyebrows then looked at Ben, "It wasn't one of us, though, it was all him." Finn yelled, his voice strained.
    "I know how he hurt people, how he killed his father, and so many others. I know you have every right to hate him. But you have just as much reason to hate me." She paused knowing that as soon as she let the next words out of her mouth everything would change forever, "I'm a Palpatine. I'm his granddaughter. He wanted me to kill him and take over as Empress." Both generals expressions softened into a hurt awed expression.
    Poe's teeth were still gritted. But Finn had relaxed. He understood what Rey was trying to say, the force was mysterious and confusing. It was torturous for those controlled by it. Sometimes it couldn't be helped. He had seen how aggressive Rey had been just a day before, she hadn't been herself, talking about destroying the emperor, it all made sense now. He understood what had happened to the young Ben Solo to create the evil Kylo Ren. "I understand. Let's get out of here!" Poe glared at Finn for a second opening his mouth to yell at his fellow leader but fell silent. A silent message passed between the two. He trusted his fellow general and understood enough to follow Finn's lead.
    Finn took a few steps towards Ben. He flinched at his sudden movement. Finn offered himself as a crutch and supported him all the way to the Falcon. Poe helped Rey up into the falcon as well. Once the four made it onto the ship it left the ground and jumped to light speed.

TO BE CONTINUED! This is my first fan fiction so it's probably trash. I'm up to any suggestions or criticism you can offer and any ideas on how to continue.

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