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Ben opened his eyes slowly taking in his surroundings. Above him the resistance ships were electrocuted by Palpatine's lighnighting. The battle that had been close to won, was now being lost. After years of fighting the resistance restlessly he now felt a strong sense of empathy for the rebels.
The force pulsed through his veins with every breath he took. Beside him he could sense Rey's force pulsing the same. As palpatine laughed, the two of them grew more angry. Both of them struggled to their feet staring palpatine dead in his cold eyes. Palpatine pulled his attention away from the battle raging above to smirk at his granddaughter and his pawn in front of him.
"Ah... child. You think that now you have turned Ben Solo that you can defeat me?" He paused to sneer at their concentrated faces, "Foolish. I am all the sith!"
Rey straightened her posture and reached her arm out at her side, "And we are all the Jedi." As she grimaced Luke's lightsaber flew into her hand. Ben followed her lead, summoning his mothers lightsaber into his own. In an almost perfectly timed motion Palpatine thrust his lightning towards the duo as the two countered with their weapons. They inched forward reflecting power back onto the Palpatine.
Fear etched its way onto the emperor's face as he grew weaker and the dyad stronger. Palpatine let out a yell as he disintegrated. As Ben and Rey pushed their power onto him one last time, there was an explosion and all went quiet.

The former arena was now in ruins. The explosion had brought down the large statues and taken out all of the Sith loyalists. Smog engulfed the remains surrounding the only two beings remaining. Both Jedi lay motionless on the stone floor. Ben was the first to wake this time. Back in Snoke's throne room Rey had been the first to wake, she had left Ben there all alone. He stumbled to his feet, unwilling to do the same. Limping over to Rey's frail body made him think about the first time they had met.
At the castle she had looked so scared, she hadn't even known of her strength in the force. No, she wasn't the one who was scared, he was. No longer was he afraid of not being as strong as Darth Vader, but he was scared of loosing Rey. Once he had reached her he could see she was still alive. He lowered himself to hold onto to her body, hoping with all his might that she would wake up. Seemingly at will Rey's eyes fluttered open.
Rey looked around slightly confused. She wasn't laying on the hard ground, there was a hand on her waist. Looking up she realized Ben was holding her. His eyes were filled with relief and happiness as they gazed into her own. She sat up and gazed back at him feeling emotion overtaking her. Her hand found the side of his face as she smiled. Rey had never smiled at him before.
"Ben?" Her voice was so hopeful almost desperate. The space between them closed, their lips found each other closing the gap. The kiss was full of passion of meaning, saying what words couldn't. They had both been surprised by their own actions.
Outside the arena the rebels had taken dominance in the battle. The bangs of the damage the star destroyers were taking echoed interrupting the kiss. The two smiled, Rey had never seen Ben smile before, it filled her with warmth and love she hadn't ever felt. For the first time since childhood, Ben felt belonging and whole. All of the star destroyers began to collapse in on themselves making the two look up at the battle. It became increasingly clear that if they didn't get out the two would die with Final Order ships.

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