5 years after exegol

978 17 2

    All over the hangar people bustled around doing various tasks or stopping to check in with a friend on their way to class. Over the past five years Poe had really gotten invested in the training program he had started. The first year he had only had a few students to teach. By the next year word had gotten out and people from all over the galaxy got in contact to see if they could apply. The old temple base once used by the rebels had turned out to be the perfect place for it. It was low key enough to go under the radar but also the perfect place to go anywhere in the galaxy.
    His main focus was to teach pilots everything they needed to know. It became clear in the first year that there would have to be more than just flying and blowing up things for it to be a real training academy. Rose had started a program for young kids to start them on the right track. Everyone involved had been very skeptical of that, fearing it was to similar to the storm trooper program. Rose had argued for it saying that it would be the kids choice and if they ever wanted to go home they could, it was important to her to give kids like those working in the stables on Canto Bight a chance to really be something. There weren't many of the younger students but enough to do some good.
    One of the Resistance medics had even suggested starting a medical training program which they had adopted. In time it had turned into a odd sort of military academy of sorts.
    Poe spotted Rey across the hangar helping a trainee fix up the bottom of an ancient x- wing. Poe hustled over to the two and slapped the side of the ship. Rey jumped noticing Poe smiling above her, "Why do you always do that?" She said gritting her teeth smiling slightly.
    "I only do it because I care." He reached out, helping her off the ground. Her face was smudged with dirt and sweat, she wiped some of it off on a rag she had been using. "Where are the kids?" Poe said looking sheepishly at her.
    Rey sighed. When she had had her first child Jakai, Poe had been very freaked out and against it not even wanting to meet him. As soon as he had seen the small dark haired baby with its big brown eyes he had cried. It was brought up again and again by Finn every time Poe tried to hid his feelings years later. Saying something about how Poe would just end up staring at Jak and crying later anyways. She loved how Poe and Finn thought of themselves as Uncles although it did make parenting hard. "Lei is with Finn." Pointing over to where Finn was holding the baby girl and showing her the ships nearby, "Jak is probably off disturbing someone." Poe nodded understandably, three year old boys weren't known for their common sense after all.
She looked back over to where Finn was standing and noticed that Ben was there as well lifting the baby out of Finn's arms. Ben looked so happy to be holding their child it warmed her heart. It had been difficult when Rey had found out she was pregnant, both of their power combined was a lot. They did not want to create another Kylo Ren or Darth Vader or Palpatine. They had to be careful and made sure their first priority was keeping themselves and children in control and happy. They made sure that their jobs never got in the way of parenting and that Jak and Lei were surrounded by people who had the best interests of everyone and the galaxy around them.
Now all Rey could do was smile as she saw Ben hold Lei, talk to her, and joke around with her. Poe noticed how happy she was and leaned against her.
"You really love him don't you?" He said quietly looking at Ben talking to Finn and the baby smiling ear to ear.
Rey thought about the lonely days on Jakku, the wall of scratch marks, her rebel helmet, and the coarse sand that got everywhere. It was almost as if the universe had put her through all that torture because it knew something great would come along and make it all worth it. Ben was that something for her. She thought back to them meeting for the first time, touching hands, kissing for the first time, the long walks, and every kiss after that. It was only a split second but she could tell that across the room Ben had felt the same thing too and had the same thoughts, his eyes lighting up. Rey met Ben's eyes as she responded, "I really really do love him Poe."

    Ben turned around to see a little girl who couldn't have been more that five standing nearby in tattered scavenger clothes turn around and look him dead in the eyes. He could see the girls breath become faster as she looked at him then she ran and disappeared from thin air. He took a few steps in her direction to see where the girl had gone then given up convinced he was hallucinating.
    That faded and suddenly he was a few years older, probably about eighteen or nineteen from how he felt. He was training and saw the little girl again, a few years older now staring at him the same way but instead of confusion it was fire. The girl simply turned, took a few steps and disappeared.
    Again he was in a new place, he was in his quarters and he was older. He felt a sudden tug in the force and dropped his lightsaber that he had been working on, he squatted down to pick it up. He looked up and saw the girl right in front of him kneeling on the ground so she was at his level. The girl looked about twelve or thirteen and had a cut on her face and bruises were visible through the gaps in her wraps. The girl was startled and fell back looking terrified then disappeared out of thin air again.

    Ben sat up breathing heavily. He had forgotten about those "hallucinations" until now. His whole life he had seen flashes of that girl and thought he had been dreaming or hallucinating. He realized now that that was Rey and they had had their dyad the whole time. He got out of bed, got dressed, and walked to the main room and saw Rey tinkering with some scrap parts from one of the older ships.
    "It's early." He said walking over and sitting next to her at the table.
    "I know." She said still focused on what she was working on, she took a moment to look up and smile at him.
    "I had a weird dream." He paused to let her respond but she just nodded since she was focused on pulling a small wire out, "I had flashed of when I was a kid. It was flashes of how these odd hallucinations I thought I was having. I just now realized that the girl I was seeing was you." Rey stopped and looked at him. He could tell she was just now realizing the same thing, that we weren't crazy when we were younger.
    "Wow I had completely forgotten about that, I would always be super freaked out then assume it was my imagination." She said putting her work to the side and thinking deeply.
    "It really makes me wonder whether or not other people have had the same connection as us but just play it off. They just never get to meet in real life." Ben said shaking his head.
    "It's weird to think about." At that moment Lei started crying in the corner.
    Ben walked over to her crib and lifted her out of it and into his arms so she was facing over her shoulder. Her cries slowed to a stop as he bounced her while walking back over to Rey who looked shocked. It looked like her face was asking how he got her to stop crying so quickly. He smirked in response then winked, "You're just jealous that she likes me more than she likes you." He said leaning back in one of the chairs and letting Lei rest on his chest. He looked at his adorable daughter as she blew tiny spit bubbles in her sleep.
    He could see Rey looking over smiling and in this moment everything was perfect.

I know this isn't a lot I didn't quite know where this chapter was going it was mostly background tbh. Next chapter is almost done just nailing down the details and stuff. It will be more about their relationship and backstory. That should be dropping around January 28.

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