Kylo Is Gone For Good

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When they had landed it had taken a long time to convince the resistance members to keep Ben alive. Rey, Chewbacca, Finn, and a stubborn Poe each said their piece on why he should stay. Rey explained Palpatine's powers and how even she had been affected by them once Palpatine had realized she was alive. Powers that could partially control people went over most of the fighters heads, but most of them were able to sympathize. Finn had confirmed what Rey had said and Poe did as well with a little hesitation. Most were still skeptical, once Chewbacca showed his support for Ben, many of the older members had a change of thought. Chewy had been Hann's best friend and copilot, if he believed in the boy why shouldn't they. Many of the younger generation still gritted their teeth. Almost all had joined the resistance because of their hate for Kylo Ren.
Over the weeks following the battle on Exegol there were many smaller battles going on to take down the remainder of the First Order. Ben had turned out to be an absolute necessity in this time. Helping with intel on location or equipment and to help get prisoners out of their holding areas. He had become the most important part of taking down the rest of the First Order. One by one lots of Ben's most outspoken enemies began to support him. In almost no time the gaping wound he had left as Kylo Ren began to heal into a scar.
Once things had begun to settle down across the galaxy with his help with the resistance he felt a lot better. He would never be able to forgive himself for what he had done, but the aching in his heart had become slightly less present in his life. Without Rey by his side he wasn't sure if could have lived with himself. Even if he couldn't love himself at least she did. Each day he spent with her, he felt more like Ben Solo than he ever had. The two would take walks together whenever they could. They would converse about anything and everything that they wanted to. Other times they would just accompany each other while their minds wandered.
    Rey was not hesitant to share things with Ben unlike she was with so many of her friends. She told him about life on Jakku. The constant routine of it all, combined with the bland landscape. It seemed so foreign to him. While he had grown up constantly being cared for and watched he had never stopped to think that there might be some little girl across the galaxy who was fending for herself all alone on some desert planet.
    She had been surprised as well when she heard about Ben's childhood. He had often talked about how it was never constant, how nothing could be the way it was for longer than a couple minutes. Yet it often seemed odd how normal his childhood had been other than the fact that he had Palpatine's voice in his head from when he was a child and that his parents had both been the glue that held together the whole galaxy.
One day while the two were on a walk through the woods after most of the resistance had dispersed to the republic Rey knew she had to say what she had to say but wasn't sure how. She slowed down and instantly knew that he knew she wanted to discuss something, "We're not needed here anymore. The resistance is over now that the New Republic reigns." She paused waiting to see if Ben had anything to say to this part but he didn't, "Ben we have this connection, we always have. I love you and I want to start a life with you." She let this message sink in before continuing. Ben looked intrigued as she continued on, "Poe has decided to go home to Yavin 4 along with many of our friends at the old republic base and temple. Poe, Finn, Rose, and a few others want to start a school to help train people in various subjects. The whole plan is to defend and help the galaxy in any way possible. It would also serve as a backup base for the Republic with General Connix leading the Republic like Leia in the rest of the galaxy. I was wondering if you would like to go with me and start a life there. Maybe we could even help."
    Rey could feel Ben's happiness through the force. The corners of Ben's mouth twitched as he said, "I would like nothing more." Moving in to kiss her before the two began the walk back.

Sorry this is so short and rushed I just really want to get to the other part I have been working on. This was just sort of a transition chapter. More will be out in a few days, there will be a lot more in the next chapter I swear on Ben Solo's life.

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