Beaten up

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Jack's POV
I wake up and throw some clothes on. I head down stairs and grab a piece of bacon and head out the door. I start walking to Mark's house not paying attention to anything but my thoughts. Then someone trips me. I fall on my face and roll over holding my nose that is now gushing blood. I groan in pain and open my eyes to see Felix standing over me.
F: Hey, Fag! Where's your boyfriend?
J: I don't have a boyfriend! Leave me alone!
F: Why did you snitch on us?
J: I didn't! The teacher found out!
F: Well she wouldn't have found out if you wouldn't have told!
He kicked me in the side and tears started flowing down my face. I was so close to Mark's house. I could get up and run there but I can't. I'm being kicked and punched. I can't move. It hurts so bad. Then I hear someone yelling. It sounds like...MARK!!
F: Oh look! It's your boyfriend, here to save the day!
M: Get away from him. Now.
F: Or what, Bitch?
M: Or I'll kick the shit outta you.
F: I'd like to see you try.

Mark's POV
I walk out on my front porch thinking Jack should be here by now. I look down the street and see Felix kicking someone on the ground. I run over and see it's Jack. I try to get Felix to stop but he isn't.
M: Or I'll kick the shit outta you.
F: I'd like to see you try.
And with that, I run at him. I tackle him to the pavement and raise him up by the collar of his shirt. I punch him and his head bounces down but I pull him right back up. I hit him again and again until he cry's. I get off of him and turn to Jack.
M: Baby, Are you okay?
J: Yeah...Thanks Mark.
I help him up and pretty much carry him back to my house. I swing open the door and set him in a chair. His nose is still gushing and he was kicked so much in the sides he is gonna be bruised.
M: Stay here, baby...
I run upstairs and into the bathroom to get the med kit. While I do so I start yelling.
I run back down to Jack and he looks terrible. I press a wet rag to his nose and then footsteps come down the stairs. It's my mom.
Mom: What happened!?
M: Felix, a bully, beat him up!
Then Dark came up behind us.
M: I hit Felix and made him stop but he had already hurt Jack. Felix is probably still outside. 
Mom: Well I'll call Jack's mom and for right now we'll get him cleaned up.
Dark growled and his eyes were bright red. He stormed outside and down the street.

Dark's POV
I walk down the street in search of this "Felix" guy. I walk for a second and see blood on the ground. I look around and see someone limping down the sidewalk and I run up behind him.
D: Felix?
He looks back at me and his eyes widen.
D: You the one who beat up Jack?
F: I- I....
D: You shouldn't have done that. Ya see, I'm a demon. Jack is my friend. I can kill you. And I will. I'll drink your blood and leave your body on your door step for your parents to find.
F: No...P-Please...
I grab him by the throat and slam him against the chain fence he was walking by. I start to squeeze harder at his neck and he gasps for hair and his hands grab at mine.
F: S-stop....Please...
D: You hurt Jack. You deserve death.
I continue choking him until he turns purple. I drop him and he instantly falls on his ass. He gasps for air and I kick him in the chest. Once again he looses his breath and he gasps for more air. I lean down close to him and whisper in my deepest voice.
D: Stay the fuck away from Jack and my brother. If I find out you've talked to them, looked at them, or touched them...I'll actually kill you. Got it?
He nods quickly and I teleport back to my house.
Mom: Where were you!?
D: Setting things straight.
Mom: Dark...
D: No he isn't dead. He will be if he hurts you guys again and he knows it.
They had Jack all cleaned up and his mom was on her way. A few minutes pass and we hear the doorbell.

Mark's POV
I run to the door and open it. Jack's mom stands there looking terrified. I take her hand and walk her into the kitchen.
Mrs. McLoughlin: Sean! Are you okay??
She runs over to him and cups his face in her hands.
J: Yeah, mom. I'm fine. Thanks to Mark.
Mrs. McLoughlin: Well...I'm glad he was there to help.
She turns and smiles at me. I smile back amd walk over behind Jack. I run my fingers through his messy hair as his mom talks with mine.
J: Thank you so much, Mark...
M: You don't need to thank me.
He hugs me and whispers in my ear so no one else hears.
J: I love you...
M: Love you too
We pull apart and turn to our moms.
J: Mrs. Fishbach?
Mom: Yes?
J: Could Mark come home with me? I'm pretty shaken up...
Mom: Of course, as long as your mom doesn't mind.
She looks at Jack's mom and Jack's mom smiled.
Mrs. McLoughlin: Of course he can. Anything to make you feel better, Sean.

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