Sleep over

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Mark's POV
I walk up to Jack's house and knock. After a minute the door opens. A tall, slender woman stands there.
"Hello, may I help you?"
M: Um yeah...Does Jack live here?
"Oh, Yes. Are you Mark?"
M: Yes. And this is my brother, Dark.
"Oh come in, he is upstairs. Go on up"
M: Thank you ma'am.
Dark follows me up the stairs and we see an opened door. Jack walks out and sees me.
J: Mark!
M: Hey, your mom let us in.
J: Oh! Is this Dark?
M: Yeah. Dark, this is my friend Jack.

Jack's POV
Dark stepped forward and stretched his hand out. I took his hand and shook it.
D: Hi, Jack. Nice to meet you.
J: Nice to meet you too.
I turn to Mark and smile.
J: Ready to meet my brother?
Mark nods and Dark does too.
J: Anti...We have company!
A: I'm coming!

Mark's POV
Anti walks out amd he looks ALMOST just like Jack. One of his eyes are blue and the other is all black with a green iris and it glows. His hair is a darker green and his ears are pointy.
A: Hi! I'm Anti. You must be Dark and Mark.
D: Yes...Hi.
Anti reached his arm out and shakes Dark's hand. Then I shake his hand.

Anti's POV
Okay...You got this...Don't fuck up!
A: Dark, do you like comics?
D: Yeah, I do!
A: Want to see my collection?
D: Do you have Super man?
A: Yeah! That is my favorite!
D: Mine too!

Jack's POV
Anti looks sooo happy. I'm so glad I met Mark. Anti and Dark run off and I grab Mark's hand. I pull him into my room and close the door.
J: Do you like videogames!?
J: I have shadow of the colosis!
M: Awesome!
We sit on the floor and start playing. I'm better than Mark bht that's okay. After about an hour my mom calls us down.
Mom: Kids! Dinner is done!
I hear Anti yell "on my way" and me and Mark get up and run downstairs.
Mom: Mark, Dark, Do you guys like nachos?
M: Yeah.
D: Yes!

Mark's POV
We all sit around the table and eat our food. Jack's Mom is so nice, She made our dinner for us, made cake for desert, then asked if we wanted to stay over!
M: I'd love to! I'd have to ask my mother though. Do you have a phone I could borrow?
J: Yeah! Here.
Jack got up and grabbed a phone amd handed it to me. I punched in her number and it rang twice before she answered.
Mom: Hello?
M: Hey mom, Can I stay over at Jack's?
Mom: Uh yeah, Of course! Mark, I'm really glad you are making friends. Love you, kiddo.
M: Love you too, mom.

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