Chapter Five

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Fire on fire- Sam Smith.
Breakfast was very quiet. Goldie and I hadn't talked at all last night but I knew a way to make it up to her.

"I got a week off, so this week we're gonna do a lot of bonding." I said happily but she didn't look convinced.

"I give you twelve hours before you leave." Goldie responded before I pouted.

"It seems like someone is doubting her big brother. What do naughty girls get for doing that?" I asked as I stood up and twinkled my fingers making her to laugh and stand up.

"Tickles!" She shouted in joy leaving her bowl of cereal as I chased her around the house to tickle her before I caught her and tickled her.

We went out to the park to have fun. The day was perfect for fun and Goldie was just as excited as me.

We rode bike around the large park before we sat down to watch pixies perform their magic. It was entertaining, refreshing and most of all fun.

"How about making crowns?" I asked her as she played with her neckline.

"Yeah." She said before we ran to where a dryad was resting.

"Lala. Two crowns with beautiful flowers please." Goldie requested before Lala woke up and then smiled at Goldie who she adored before making us crowns.

"A little extra for family." She said before she winked at me and I winked back then she gave us beautiful garland.

We got paintings of our garland looks and it was very beautiful. It was going to be in our living room for everyone to see.

We were about to play a game of knock down the gnome when I saw one of Lilith's messenger coming towards me.

"Lieutenant Red, lady Lilith wishes to see you." He said as I looked down at Goldie who gave a disappointed look.

"Tell Lilith that I'm out of business for a week and that she can't just wish me back when it's convenient for her." I said making Goldie to smile when I decided not to go to work.

"I was afraid you'd say that so that was why I chose to come to you." Lilith said as she walked to me with Reece behind her.

"Why can't you just leave me alone? I thought disturbing me was Scythe's job.

"Yeah but this is something more delicate. Give Scythe this job and he'll listen to you." She said before I sighed and Goldie pouted.

"What is it?"

"I want Reece to stay with you for the weekend." Lilith said making me to turn my head to her as fast as a mosquito when it's found it's prey.


"I want Reece to stay with you. In order to strengthen our union to hunt the blood witch, we decided to send Scythe to the werewolves and Reece volunteered to represent his pack."

"Yeah, but why me?

"One your his mate, two it's just you and Goldie and three, I'm your boss." She said before she smiled.

"Well have a good day." She said before her messanger saluted me and Lilith walked away but I knew she was skipping in her mind.

Reece looked at me like a excited puppy before I rolled my eyes. I faced Goldie who was studying him like he was one of her favorite butterfly specimen.

"This is Goldie and Goldie this is no one important." I introduced horribly before my sister glared at me.

"Pfft. I'm Goldie don't mind my brother and you are Reece."

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