06. An Unexpected Challenge

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Saeron steals a look at the king's advisor standing beside her, noting the small upturn of her Namjoon's lips. Even the advisor seems to be impressed with their latest visitor. After all, Prince Baekhyun had everything—the looks, the money, the armies and the hearts of many.

Another group of his entourage lays out the other gifts beside the chest—fabric that glows under the shine of the sun leaking through the windows in the walls of the throne room.

"We have also prepared silk curtains and blankets crafted by some of our best craftsmen. You can find them nowhere else in the five kingdoms." Prince Baekhyun does a flourish as he presents to her their final gifts.

"My most sincere of gratitude, Prince Baekhyun. But I'm afraid I'll have to offer my apologies again since I have not prepared any gifts at such a marvellous scale of yours."

The prince smiles, one that he's no doubt, practised many times before to win the hearts of many. "No need for apologies, your highness. After all, no gifts can ever come close to getting to know you and having your hand in marriage."

This time, Saeron lets out an audible chuckle. Even the advisor seems to be amused, although not at all surprised. They've had candidates from all over the lands and kingdoms come over for the same sole purpose. At this point, the princess might as well be a professional at rejecting proposals.

"You seem confident that I'll accept your proposal," the princess teases.

"I am hoping to earn your acceptance, your highness," he answers. Saeron smiles at that, catching the eyes of the royal chamberlain, Jimin from across the room who looks like he shares the same sentiments of approval.

"Need I warn you, many men have come before me to tell me the same things. What makes you any different?"

"I hear Mirador has been causing a significant amount of trouble to you, your highness," The prince says. As soon as the words leave his lips, the room falls into a certain kind of tension. Even the smile on the princess' face fades away. "Karrstad will an important key in solving the crisis between Elios and Mirador. With two of our kingdoms united in marriage, Mirador will be forced to step back."

Some of the palace officials present begin to whisper to each other in quiet discussion, but the silence of the throne room causes even the most hushed of voices to echo against the walls.

"An excellent solution."

"Union with Karrstad will strengthen our forces. We'll definitely be able to win over Mirador."

"King Han is already on his deathbed. The princess might as well get married now."

Saeron pulls in a deep breath, her lips pursed even as she maintains her eye contact with the eager prince. Even Karrstad knows of her father's condition. At this point she wouldn't be surprised if word has already spread out to all the other kingdoms.

Weak. Elios will be seen as weak. She can see it through the prince's eyes. He knows. Knows that they're in a desperate position and intends to take advantage of that. They're already losing their position as the dominating kingdom among the five, but Saeron will never allow anyone trample over them. Never.

So, with a sharp smile, she says, more of politeness than actual hopeful want, "I hope you will be able to stay for lunch today."

Prince Baekhyun's eyes visibly brighten, mostly in surprise. But he gives her a reverent bow. "It is my absolutely pleasure, your royal highness."

As soon as the prince and all of his entourage exit the room, Saeron releases a sigh and sits back down on her father's throne. She closes her eyes and rubs her forehead in a conflicted manner.

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