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They finally made it back home, falling face first onto the sofas in the living room. Bakugou, however went straight to his room. Not anything unusual. Todoroki slipped of his shoes and said a final good night before heading his own way.

Kirishima sighed, tierd and exhausted from the day of walking and running. Midoriya yawned after and they laughed.

"I'm so tired!" Kirishima complained, still he didn't get up. Midoriya laughed again, finding this oddly adorable.

"Same here. We should probably head to bed though." He said, getting up. Kirishima groaned before following. Till they heard someone knock repeatedly on the front door.

Kirishima sighed, as he felt he could collapse and sleep at any moment. He slowly made his way towards the door, opening it while he rubbed his eye.

He stopped when he felt arms around his waist. Looking down to see blonde, yellow hair. His eyes grew wide when he realized who it was.

"K-kami?!" He said, a bit louder than necessary. It was pretty late. The said boy looked up to face Kirishima, a smile plastered on his face. Still, he was confused.
"What are you-"

"Gezz, Kirishima! We finally see eachother in weeks and you don't even hug me back?" He said, pouting. Kirishima smiled, before hugging him.

"Who's at the door?" Midoriya asked from inside. Curious he looked over the red head's shoulder. Kaminari was quick to jump in. Moving from Kirishima to Midoriya.

"Hi! You must be Midoriya! Kirishima has told me about you. Anyway, it's nice to finally meet you!" He said, putting his hand up for a high five. Midoriya slowly did it.
"Sorry for just barrging in, out of nowhere but, I really have to go. Oh, and Kirishima is coming with me."


"Can you idiots keep it down! And who the hell is this?!" Bakugou's loud voice came booming through the room. He was clearly pissed at the sudden loud voices, and the random new guy.

"Oh! You're Todoroki, right?!" Kaminari said, as cheerfull as before. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope Kirishima hasn't been a troublemaker while he was here. Aren't you an actod? Also, how are you so rich? 

Everyone was silent.
The both Midoriya and Kirishima let out small chuckles.

"What the actual fuck?! First of all, I'm not the damn half n' half! Second of all, leave!" Bakugou yelled stomping towards the poor guy.

"Woah, woah. Let's all clam down." Midoriya said anxiously. Bakugou just pushed him out of the way. Before he could reach Kaminari, Kirishima stepped in.

"Chill, Bakugou. This is Kaminari, Kaminari this is Bakugou. Good know that introductions are out of the way. Kami, not to be mean but why the hell are you here?!" Kirishima asked. He was so confused and needed explanations.

Kaminari stopped, and slowly turned to Kirishima. He pointed to Bakugou then back to Kirishima. Giving the mad ref head a small smirk. Kirishima felt his face heat up.

"Kami, let's talk about what you came here for." He said, dragging Kaminari to a sofa. Soon all four of them sat. All looking straight at the nervous blonde.

"Okay. Well, first of all I want to say that I'm happy we all got to meet eachother. Though I wish it were of different- "
Kirishima gave Kaminari a look. "Second of all, uh how do I say this... well I have to take Kirishima from this nice town and run away with him since there are many, and I mean many, strong scary men looking everywhere for him. Since he is a famous singer and shit, it's a big deal that he already ran away before. If I don't hide him, chances are that he gets taken away and never gets the freedom he's always wanted."

No one said a word as they tried to comprehend everything they just heard. Kaminari just sat there, smiling. Kirishima was the first to react.

"Kami. I really-"

"Wait, wait. First of all, what the fuck!?" Bakugou said, he looked angry but confused. Staring straight into Kirishima's soul. The red head closed his eyes.
"You're some famous singer that ran away and thought it was a good idea. Fuck, that's why those random people were saying all that shit. You didn't even fucking think about telling the people you live with!?"

"Bakugou, I'm sorry. I lied, but it was the only way-"

"What, so you don't trust me to keep a stupid damn secret!?" Kirishima looked down, ashamed. "Look shitty hair, I dont care if you're a singer or a fucking celebrity. To me all you are is a fucking idiot who couldn't trust those around him."

"I'm really sorry." Kirishima apologized. Midoriya sighed, placing a hand on Kirishima's back.

"It's okay. And, I'm sorry Kacchan. Todoroki and I already knew. " Bakugou threw his hands up, dramatically. "Kirishima just didn't know you well, we would have to wait fro the right moment to tell you. Don't get mad."

Bakugou sighed after a while of yelling. He leaned back into the sofa, slightly angry.

"So what now?" Kirishima asked Kami. The blonde only shrugged his shoulders. Then suddenly a voice came from the kitchen.

"We help Kirishima escape." Todoroki spoke, coming forward. Kaminari jumped.

"Todoroki, right?! Oh my gosh, I knew you were good looking but I didn't think this good." Todoroki completely ignored him, walking towards Midoriya.

"Then we need a plan." Midoriya said, his finger tapping slowly on his chin. Todoroki nodded.

And so the plot thickens!
We are so close to the end! I can't wait!

Hope you all are enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it. Please feel free to comment and vote, I really love it when I hear your thoughts!!

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