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Bakugou picked up the last soda can off the floor, throwing it into the trash. He sighed in relief as he saw the clean room. Now he could go to bed.

Just as he turned, he heard something hit the floor behind him. He quickly realized what he forgot.

"Damn it!" He yelled under his breath. He sighed before turning around to look at Kirishima, who had almost fallen from the sofa.

"Fuck. Do I have to take care of this idiot?" Bakugou sighed once again. He walked over slowly and just stared,contemplating.

"..no..." He heard Kirishima say quietly in his sleep. Bakugou groaned and began to pick up the red head. Now he was in his arms as he walked towards the room. He had to kick the door open since his arms were occupied.

The lights of Kirishima's room were on. Unsurprised, Bakugou looked around since it was his first time being in the room. The walls were painted red, motivation posters hang from almost every wall. A bed with  scattered pillows and messy covers, was placed at one corner of the room.

"Gezz. Did a hurricane hit when I was gone?" Bakugou joked. He walked over to the bed and thought about if he should just throw the guy. In the end, he didn't, which would surprise anyone.

As he set Kirishima onto the bed, Bakugou saw two picture frames on the bed side table. One held a picture that showed a young Midoriya smiling as he hugged a boy with black hair. The other showed Kirishima hugging a woman who looked similar to the red head.

He was about to cover Kirishima with the blanket but was startled by the sudden movement next to him.

"That's my mother. She's beautiful isn't she?" Kirishima said, fondly with a small smile. Bakugou looked back at the picture one more time.
"I hope I make her proud. I'm scared that everything I'm doing is wrong. That I've disappointed her... I wanted to take her, but I couldn't.... It was to late.."

Bakugou couldn't say anything. He didn't understand Kirishima completely, but he understood what he was feeling. Regret. Sadness. It reminded Katsuki of how he felt. He felt comfort in knowing someone else shared something he felt. He didn't feel selfish or alone.

"Idiot. Stop thinking so much and get some sleep." Bakugou finally said as he flicked Kirishima on his forehead. Expecting a complain, the red head only smiled back.

Todoroki sighed as he held onto the other male. He never had anyone to turn to in times like these, but now he realized he did. He had always. If only he hadn't been so blind before.

He has someone who would do anything for him. Someone who would help him in times of need. Someone who never judged or criticized him. Someone who never used him for selfish reasons. Someone who cared for him. Who truly cared for him.

He was the one he would do anything for. The one who meant everything to him. Someone he really loved without knowing this whole time.

He knew he could show himself.
He had to.

"....Midoriya. W-what do I do?" As the words fell out of his mouth, he felt a sting in his eyes.

Midoriya didn't move away, nor did he look at him. He just held Todoroki closer.

"Can you tell me what happened?" His soft and gentle voice made Todoroki feel light, as if he could float.He knew he could trust him. So he did.

"The manager of the company I work for wants me to be in a new movie. I... I said no. I just don't think I deserve that position..." Todoroki sighed as he thought about it again. Midoriya nodded and rubbed his check with his finger, making Todoroki melt.

"He was angry. He said that it would help the company bit I knew he meant himself.... After saying no once again, h-he made a deal." Todoroki felt his breath hitch and before he knew it, tears fell from his eyes.

"Sorry, I j-"

"Todoroki, it's fine to cry. It's human..." Midoriya gave a soft, gentle smile. Todoroki could only smile back.

"H-he said that, If i don't he would do something terrible. He would stop paying me- but I need the money.... I have to keep paying for this house a-and for school. I-I have to keep paying for my mother's hospital bills and.... I-I just had to take the deal."

"...Shouto." Todoroki felt his heartbeat increase at the sound of his name coming out of the boy's mouth. "Everything will work out. Don't worry. I-I'll be here every step of the way."

Todoroki sighed remembering how lucky he was to have Midoriya with him. He really couldn't ask for anyone better.
He felt so alone before, but now he knew he wasn't. It felt amazing.

"....I really want to kiss you right now."

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