Lucas Mendoza// Alexa and Katie

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It was a boring Monday morning and you were sitting in the usual booth at the local breakfast diner. The diner was empty on Monday mornings, and it was the best place for you to sit and be with your best friend, Lucas Mendoza. He was the best thing that could ever happen to you. You've known him since you were five, and you've never done anything to tarnish the relationship.

That was until last Friday night. You had an altercation with him that wasn't so friendly. No, the two of you didn't get into an argument, let alone a fight, but you did make a mistake, a huge one. You were sitting on the front porch of the party your date wanted to go to. He ditched you and left your by yourself. 

So now you were by yourself on the front porch step, playing iMessage games with Lucas. He was at his house, and you were on the cold front porch at the party. Then, you had enough, you were finished with dealing with this. You pulled your body off the front porch and unlocked your car. You were going to do your Friday night ritual. 

Every Friday night the two of you ate pizza at his place until you couldn't possibly eat anymore, then the two of you watch your all time favorite movie, the sandlot. It was a simple classic that the two of you could quote word by word after the countless hours of watching the movie. It made him play baseball when he was nine, let alone make you want to play as well. 

Besides that, however, you were in the car on the way to his house. You made sure to call in the usual order at the pizza place near his house. On your way by, you picked up the pizza. It was sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle when you sent the game back to him. You put the car into drive and began back to the house. 

Once you got there, you grabbed the jacket out of your car that was hugging your frame as you left the party. It was supposed to be an extra layer, but it was simply too thin to use as a jacket on a night like this one. The pizzas were in your other hand as you walked to the door. Your knuckles hit the door twice as you gently knocked. 

The sight at the door amused you when you saw him. It was Lucas. It was just him. "Hey," he smiled, opening the door wider, "I thought you went to the party-" you cut him off. "I was, but I'm here now," you said with a smile. Then you joined him on the floor in his room watching the movie you loved with the best pizza in town. 

It was all normal until something happened. Your head was in his lap, the movie almost over when he looked down at you. You smiled so happily at him. It was normal again. Your life was back to reality. Then you sat up. You didn't just sit up and sit next to him. No, you maintained eye contact as you sat up. 

He smiled at you again and you made a daring move. Your eyes caught the glance of his lips and you went for it. That was all you could remember of the night.

Yes, he liked you back, but it just wasn't the same. Now you were sitting at the diner you both met at on Monday mornings, the awkward silence filling the room. "I'm sorry," you whisper was you stir your coffee in the cup. "Why are you sorry, Y/N?" he asked, grabbing her hand. "I shouldn't have done that, we have too much on the line to do that with," you responded, letting his hand fall. 

"But what if we do this some other way?" he asked, grabbing his fork and cutting into the hot waffle on the plate. "Like how? I'll always be me and you'll always be Lucas," you asked, sipping your coffee. "If we make adjustments to our Friday plans. You know, just me and you. We stay in my basement and watch Sandlot and eat pizza, but then we end the night just how we did last week," he responded as he stirred his own coffee.

"Deal?" you asked, moving closer to the table with anticipation. "No feelings whatsoever?" he asked to classify. "Until I get brave enough to accept what I'm feeling," you said as you laid your hand over his. Then, from across the table, you sealed the promise with a kiss. 

That was the beginning to something beautiful. 


This was for @family_not_fandom 

I hope you enjoyed!

Bye lovelies,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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