Evan Chapin// Atypical

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You were sitting on the couch, watching your favorite movie with your boyfriend, Evan. You were snuggled deep into his arms as you paid more attention to his amazing features than the movie. You laid your head gently on his chest as you watched the deep concentration on the movie you had no interest in watching at this moment. 

You took a deep breath and let out a small sigh as you nibble on your bottom lip gently. You smile to yourself lightly before sitting up and making eye contact with your hot boyfriend. He looks from the tv to you and smiles as he grabs your hands and intertwines your fingers. He glances from your eyes to your lips, and again quickly to the mark on the side of your neck. 

He gently pressed two fingers to it and let a small smile shine. "Left a mark huh?" he asked, removing his fingers gently and cupping your chin in his hand, forcing you to look at him. You smiled as you brought your face up slightly so you were eye level to him. "Kiss me," you whispered as your lips grazed his. 

You were both now so close that if you said another word you would kiss on accident. When he didn't move closer you gently yanked on his T-shirt and pressed your lips together firmly. The kiss quickly got heated but before the kiss could go any further than it did, you cupped his cheek gently with your right hand. 

You licked your bottom lip gently and took a deep breath and laid your head back on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your body and placed a gentle kiss to your neck, right where the mark is. 

"Don't make it darker than it is," you said glancing back at him with a small smirk. He smiled and let out a small laugh. "Watch me," he said before connecting your lips with his again. Your hand gently cupped his cheek again. 

Before anything further can happen then his lips back on your neck for the third time that night, your little sister comes skipping down the stairs. "What do you want?" you ask as she comes down holding the ball in her hand. "I didn't know you were home yet!" she said jumping up on the couch beside you as she handed you the brush that was in her other hand. 

"Can you brush my hair?" she asked excitedly before standing with her back turned to her so you could brush her hair. You planted another peck on your boyfriend's lips before brushing your sister's hair. Evan had paused the movie in fear of missing the movie. 

"What's that?" you asked as she turned around and showed you what was in her hands. "First no-hitter!" she said triumphantly throwing her arms in the air. You forget she's only thirteen, with how hard she works. Evan wrapped an arm around you as he moved up toward you on the couch. "That's great!" you said as you remembered your own years ago. 

You looked at what time it was, 11:00, you looked at your sister. "It's late, I'll come and talk to you in a minute but give me a minute. Go brush your teeth and get ready for bed," you whispered and handed her the ball back.

"I'll be back in about ten minutes," you said before laying another kiss on his lips. He pulled away and laid a soft kiss on your temple and intertwined your fingers again. "Don't let (your sister's name) see it," he said before covering the mark with two fingers again. He kissed the mark gently before placing hair in front of it to cover it. 

"Thanks," you whispered before walking towards the stairs to find your sister's room. 

You got to her room and sat on the bed next to her as she plugged her phone into the cord. "Don't try to hide it now," she said as she pulled your hair away from it. You took a deep breath and closed the door. "I love him, I really do, but if I catch you with your boyfriend doing that I will murder him and then you," you said before standing back up and opening the door. "I love you, night," you said and closed the door. 

You sat down on the couch next to your boyfriend and sighed deeply before laying your head against his chest. He unpaused the movie and laid down on the couch beside you. "Come here," he said as you moved deep into his arms, your back against his chest. "I love you," he said, pressing a kiss behind your ear and brushed the hair behind your ear. "I love you too," you whispered tirelessly and you snuggled deep into his arms as you fell asleep, comfortable as you could ever be.


This was another request that I forgot to write and is now being uploaded.

Bye lovelies,


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