Voyage of bullets

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Xavier's POV

"YAWNNNN! Ok, everyone wake up!" I said trying to throw myself off the bed.
"Five more fricken minutes!" replied Escanor and Doragon.
"Where's Celina?" I asked.
That very moment I smelled the aroma of a well cooked breakfast coming from the yacht's kitchen(its a very fancy yacht, I know). The three of us quickly sprang up from our beds and looked at each other.
"Celina can cook!?" whispered Doragon.
"Don't ask me" I replied.
"What do you mean don't ask you!? You're her fricken boyfriend!" he replied.
"We're only together for two weeks now you idiot!" I replied.
"Two weeks is enough to know that she can cook! Seriously, how hard is it to fricken ask if you can fricken cook!" he replied once more.
"What are you guys arguing about? Come get your breakfast"
We dropped everything we were doing as the aroma hit us once more. We brushed our teeth and freshened up as fast as possible and headed to the first floor of the yacht. We burst in the kitchen and Doragon immediately scurried to the table where Escanor had already started to eat, seriously, when did Escanor leave the bedroom. I froze in awe of the sight in front of me, it was Celina in a bikini, showing off her flat stomach with slightly showing abs. An almost transparent thin cloth wrapped around her waist over her underwear just for style, this perfect girl stood in front of me and smiled, her smile lit up the room even more with her pearly white teeth and the perfect timing was set up as the fresh ocean breeze hit her hair creating the perfect image of a perfect girl.
", that is the sexiest thing I've ever seen" I said.
"What did you say?" asked Celina as the guys turned to watch me awkwardly.
"Shit, did I say that out loud?" I said.
"Well you're sexy too I guess" she replied to my comment.
"Now stop fantasizing and eat before you get skinny" she said once more.
I smiled and began to eat. She sat beside me(as usual)and also began to eat. We were all talking and chatting about this mission and how school was before we came here and how we ended up here and all that shit.
We had one more day to do what we wanted, and we were determined to make it last as long as possible.
"That's the boat there!" I hear someone shout in the distance.
I told them I would check out whatever was going on. I ran outside and headed toward where the sound came from.
"Oh my god not this again!" I said.
Armed men climbing the sides of the boat, mostly from behind. Who were these guys and why where they here. Anyhow, that's a problem I'll have to deal with after these boatloads of men were defeated.........hopefully.
"Guys we need to act fast, find something we can use as a weapon" I said.
"Knives!" shouted Escanor.
"Everyone grab one of the biggest among them, and the rest we throw" I said.
Me and Celina took the left half of the yacht and Doragon and Escanor took the right.
Men just started dropping as knives sneakily stuck them in all parts of their bodies.
"I didn't know you all can knife throw so good" said Celina.
"There is a lot of skill sets we have that you don't know honey" I replied back.
"Like what?" she asked as she picked up another knife to throw.
"Well there's jousting, golf, tent pitching, survival skills and other stuff too but let's deal with the men first" I said.
"Right" she replied.
If one thing was for sure, it was that there was a lot of knives at our disposal, and that we're getting success here, wonder how the guys are doing on the right.

Doragon's POV

We were throwing like mad, not a soul could get on to the boat without receiving a complementary knife sticking out of your chest. It was to the point where we were throwing knives over the sides if the boat.
We even threw knives at the people in the water. We were in a total control of this half, and I know Xavier is in control over there too.

Xavier's POV

I could hear the roaring of the enemy boat engines as they drove away.
"You can't mess with these teens suckers!" I victoriously shouted.
I hear another shout from the other side, "We won f***ers"
That was obviously Escanor's voice. I turn to my girlfriend who was already staring at me.
"What you looking at me for?" she asked smiling.
"You know what" I replied.
"Not now" she replied. Darn it, when was the last time she denied me a kiss?
"You two done?" Doragon sharply asked.
"What the hell is your problem?" I straight up replied.
"The roughly over one hundred dead people is my problem." he replied.
"Ah......that's no problem, we'll just toss them out on the way to Hawaii, and don't worry about people washing up on shore, tie all of them up together and throw them off simultaneously.
This way they'll sink cause the weight on the water is much." I replied.
"Sounds good to me" he said while taking up the rope.

15 minutes later

"Xavier, who are the people always coming for us? Do you even know them or have a clue at all?" Celina asked.
"To be honest, no, I have not even the slightest clue why they are after us but all I know they ain't going to stop me, not today, not ever" I replied.
"Now that's what I like in a man" she replied.
We smiled at each other and continued our journey to Hawaii.
"Wait a minute do you hear that?" asked Celina.
"Hear what?"
"What could that be?" I said going outside.
"Why does this only happen to us!?" I screamed while running back inside.
They calmed me down and I told them what it was.
It was a huge spider like robot with tank cannons attached to its sides, then appeared two miniguns at the top of its hull, a rocket launcher then emerged from the underbelly of this beast, and to put the cherry on the cake a kind of energy shield placed itself around the beast.
"Don't worry I have another plan that might work, energy shields use a tremendous amount of battery so it will have to go  offline at some point to charge, gather and equip the guns with only grenade launchers attached to them. When the shield goes, blow it up." Doragon said.
"So you're the plan maker now?" I jokingly asked.
"Oh hush and listen for once" he replied laughing.
If this thing only shot at us once, the yacht would sink so we had to be careful not to be detected. The guns were equipped and we headed to the top of the yacht via the stairs so we would not be detected. We stood over the beast awaiting the delay of the shield.
"This plan isn't really working Doragon" said Celina.
"Energy shields use batteries that recharge over time, its supposed to go down eventually" replied Doragon.
I immediately started troubleshooting and found that there was a wire running from an enemy boat to the robot.
"That's probably what's powering the shield which is why the shield hasn't gone down yet" I said to myself.
"Get ready to blow it up, I've got an idea" I said.
"What's the plan?" asked Doragon.
"Just shoot when the shield goes down, be ready" I replied.
I took aim at the boat and launched my grenade and blew up the boat. The shield immediately went down.
"SHOOT IT!" I screamed as the robot detected us.
And before the robot got to fire, it was in pieces. We all shed a sigh of relief. The grenades didn't directly hit the boat which means that the boat sustained minimal damage and was still quite operational.
"Let's check out the robot remains, maybe we can hook up the operational weapons on the boat" suggested Escanor.
"That's probably the smartest thing I've heard all day" I replied as we went to the site of the remains.
"Apparently this was an A.I.L.A.F.M(artificial intelligent lightweight automated fighting machine) according to this piece of metal here" I said.
"That's a military grade piece if equipment, where did these terrorists get this?" asked Doragon.
"Don't know but the weapons are operational we can attach them to the front and back portions of the boat" I said.
We got to work and put the weapons strategically on the boat.
The front equipped with a minigun and tank cannon and same with the back. At the very top of the boat had the AI controlled rocket launcher. It took several hours to hook up and test fire the weapons but it was worth it because now we had a battleship. Ammo wasn't a problem as the robot was loaded with it. Well now the only thing was to complete our voyage. We gathered guns and ammo as self defence weapons to keep on us. We were like soldiers on a mission.........actually...........we were soldiers on a mission.

Ch9 is finally done and so far its the longest chapter. Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter.

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