Mysteries, mysteries and more mysteries

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Unknown person's POV
"Arggg! How could you let them get away! There was a whole army of you and four of them! You even activated the XS1 Goliath and still lost! How!" I screamed in disappointment.
"Uh...sir...uh... I'm.....veryyy sorry....sir" said the corporal.
"Your excuses wouldn't work this time, I want you to capture all of them, Xavier, Doragon, Escanor and Celina." I commanded.
"If you don't mind I asking, how do you know there names?" corporal inquired.
"I really can't tell you that but what I can tell you is that Celina is the leader's, Xavier's girlfriend." I answered.
"OK, no more questions, go do your job now!" I shouted.
"Yes, sir!" corporal shouted back and went on his way.
I still couldn't figure out the logic behind how an army could lose against four teens. Is it that the four of them are this good with guns or that my army is complete crap. Its probably the second one. If they don't come back with my hostages I would just have to do it myself. I'll just wait and see.

Doragon's POV

"OK guys, time to get up, we have a long way to go if we have to get our diamonds and viscous lava!" I said in an attempt to wake them.
"5 more minutes!" they shouted in unison and turned their backs to me.
"You asked for it!" I shouted and pulled out a bucket of water balloons. I knew their laziness would activate today so I was prepared to wake seriously.
I threw water balloons nonstop and in less than ten seconds they were totally drenched in water.
"Hey! What gives man!" shouted Escanor lunging himself on me, I quickly reacted and hit him in midair with a balloon in his face and quickly dodged him. He landed flat on the ground. Now its time to deal with Xavier and his girlfriend.
"Ok, Ok, we'll get up, we'll get up"
said Xavier.
"You better" I said while dropping another water balloon on Escanor's head. I got rid of the rest of water balloons so they couldn't get me back.

15 minutes later.

"Alright, let's go guys!" I said.
"Coming now!" they shouted back.
We were all at the door and said a little prayer and immediately went to the location of the diamonds and viscous lava. Fortunately for us, both of them were in the same place. All we had to do was get to Hawaii.

Xavier's POV

We had to get to Hawaii, but we didn't know the exact location of it. I felt dumb at that point being the ringleader of this operation and not knowing the location of the goals.
But I luckily remembered the map that I took from the airport. I felt my smarts come back to me. We located the little country but it was unfortunately unreachable by foot. Which automatically means we had to thief something, again. Most likely it would be a boat.
"Ok, to complete our mission today, we're gonna have to hijack a boat. So we are going straight to the port facing Hawaii which is approximatelyyyyyyyy 2 miles from here. So let's get a move on." I said.
"Did you guys seriously do this everyday while you all were here!?" asked Celina.
"Well, yeah" I answered.
"So you guys are pretty fit huh?" she said once more.
"If you want to say so" I answered.
"Well judging on the fact that all of you have perfectly toned bodies with eight packs each, I would say yes" she answered.
"How do you know these things?"
asked Doragon.
"Well all of you sleep shirtless so its not hard to see.
Both Doragon and Escanor blushed.
Well she's my girlfriend so I had nothing to hide. I'm still wondering why a drug cartel would kidnap her, the fact intrigues me for we had no dealings with drugs or anything like that, nobody even knew our location, we left as discreet as possible, and maybe there watching us as we speak. We needed to be on high alert and look for anything suspicious.
The next thing is why would they capture her and not me or Doragon or Escanor. I have better things to do than worry. I tried to get that thought out of my head so I joined Doragon's conversation. It was dumb but it  worked. In no time, we were at the port and the first thing we saw is a yacht. We watched each other and shook our heads up and down. Nobody was around so we quickly and quietly entered the boat and got it started by hot wiring. We took of at a slow rate. Yachts don't tend to go that fast so we had about two days to get to Hawaii which means that we had a yacht to ourselves for two days. I'm pretty sure we were safe from whoever kidnapped Celina that day, but I'm still worried because yes we defeated an army of about 200 men plus the Juggernaut thing, but the boss himself who rules the cartel wasn't there which means he is not dead and is still out there looking for us, whoever he is.
"Let's go in the pool!" I hear Escanor say.
Perfect! This would totally take my mind off this mystery.
I tear off my shirt and jump in.

Finally, the end of ch8. Thanks for reading and if you find any mistakes just comment. Thanks again and see you in ch 9.

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