Obsidian tour

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Escanor's POV

"YAWWWWWWWWN, morning guys." I say as I try to get of the bed and to be honest, it was as though I was glued to the bed...not a limb would move no matter how hard I try.
I eventually got off my lazy ass and walked to the bathroom....to do the usual brushing of my teeth and took a bath while I was at it.
I walk down the hotel stairs in my pajamas while yawning once again hoping to get a nice tasty breakfast.
I enter the hallway and go toward my breakfast hot on the table. I take a few bites before noticing that my breakfast was the only one in sight. Had they ate theirs already?
"Shit" I say to myself running to the exit to see Xavier and Doragon staring back at me.

"Where in the hell were you?" said Xavier.
"We'er fricken late!" shouted Doragon.

"I'll be right back, stay right there" I said in a frantic manner while dashing back up the stairs.
This sudden flow of energy was really what I needed, but not under this circumstance.....its a good thing I had already taken that bath...all I had to do was throw on some appropriate clothing.
I frantically did so and scurried back down the stairs.
"OK(pant)...we can go now(pant)" I said.
And we were on our way. We walked about a quarter mile before stopping to see if we can get a taxi to take us to the border, while waiting, Xavier went over the plan and unclear parts of the plan were explained.
While he was on his last words, something interrupted him.

Xavier's POV

I hear my phone notification ringtone go off, this interrupted my plan.
"Wonder what that could be"
I pull out my phone and turned it on, it was a news notification. It read....
"Mine guard killed by unknown murderer, security at borders buffed to prevent terrorist entries"
"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" I shouted in rage as Escanor and Doragon looked at me confused.
"What happened?" asked Escanor
"Security has been buffed at the border, they won't let cars too close to it, so instead of taking us straight to the border, they could take us about three quarters of the way and we can walk the rest from there, sounds good?" I said in a diligent tone.
They agreed and the plan was now set into motion.
Getting the car to take us there wasn't hard for the roadways were busy. We paid the driver his money and instantly went toward the bushes. You obviously can't hide from something if it can see you in the distance which is why we went for the bushes.

Half hour later

I could see people getting searched in the distance which caused the anxiousness in the three of us to build up faster than usual. We kept our heads low and made minimal sound as we entered the danger zone.
"Wha.......wha.......what if we get caught Xavier?" said Doragon in a frightened manner.
"We won't once we make no mistakes" I said in a heroic tone.
The amount of barbed wire on the fence was insane, you could probably get cut just watching it.
We reached the fence and proceeded with the plan.
"Get me the bag" I said as I watch the fence to strategically cut it.
This bag is one I specifically packed for this 'mission'.
Escanor handed me the pliers, before cutting, I saw a glare in the corner of my eye.
"Doragon, blind that camera" I said.
He pointed a laser into the camera and temporarily blinded it. I quickly cut the wire and we went through before the camera came back online. We ran quickly through the bushes out of the range of the camera and celebrated our victory.
"Shit" I said.
"What's up, we got through without being seen" said Escanor.
"I forgot to put back up the wire I cut, they can probably see it through the camera" I replied.
"Nahhhhhh, they won't see shit, don't worry" he said.
"Yeah, you're probably right" I replied.
"Ok, enough celebration, let's go get the obsidian."
We left quickly for bamasaki and it didn't take long for we were sprinting. Bamasaki looked amazing from the hill top, but this was no time for sight seeing.
We raced down the hill and entered the little town. We blended in as villagers and sneaked ourselves into the obsidian mine.
It was glorious.....it was a very tall cave with navy blue sparkling walls that just got bigger and bigger going in.
We took a look around and took up all the obsidian stones we needed. Everything was going as planed, we got our obsidian and exited the noble town.
While walking out we saw an army of guards coming toward the town. We dove into the nearby bushes to evade their site.
"I told you they would notice the fence!" I said in an irritated tone.
We had to devise a plan....and fast.
"Ok, we'll run deeper into the bush and wait till the guards pass into the town, from there we have limited time to get back to the border fence, cross over, and we'er home free after that" the plan was set in motion and we waited out the guards. We ran swiftly to the fence and crossed over, we immediately ran out of there and headed to the roadside to get another car to take us back to the hotel. The border guards couldn't see us for we were about a quarter mile away from the border. We eventually got a car and got back to the hotel.
"How was your expedition today gentlemen" a young female waiter, comprising of blond, flowing hair with blue eyes and a fair complexion greeted the trio at the door.
"It was good, and how such a girl as fine as you would look to greet us?" I said in a flirty way.
"Are you flirting with me?" she asked.
"Probably" I answered as I winked at her and walked up the stairs.
"Your away from your parents for three days and you already pick up a girlfriend?" Doragon teased me.
"Or your just jealous that mines is nicer than yours!" I teased him back.
"Waw, that backfired big time on you Doragon." said Escanor.
We all laughed and freshened up and had our usual meaty lunch.
We discussed some matters over the table and decided to make an announcement.
"For working so hard and being with me all the way, I say we just take the day off tomorrow, just stay here and enjoy the facilities and activities the hotel offers, what do you say guys?" I said.
"Oh thank you GOD, yes...of course yes!" shouted Escanor.
"Might as well do with a break" said Doragon.
"Yes...the day off is on!" I exclaimed.
We went up the stairs to our room and got in bed so that tomorrow would come faster.
The place was of dead silence, I had almost slept away.
"Is this because of your girlfriend Xavier?" Doragon said in a loud tone.
"Oh shut up and sleep please!" I exclaimed.
He laughed and fell asleep and we were on for the next day.

Thanks for reading ch4 and as always, if you have anything to say just comment, see you on the next chapter.

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