Damsel de-stressed

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Xavier's POV

"OK, let's go over the plan, we enter through the exit and sneak in, take down some guards and take there weapons but remember that the take down is discreet. She is most likely in the center of the building and if we do end up in a gunfight, watch how your firing. OK, let's go!" I said heroically.
"Yes, the plan is a-go but why would a drug cartel capture her, we just came for precious stones and you happened to pick up a girlfriend, why her and not one of us, she wasn't even in this." Escanor said.
"The answers will be revealed when we come out victorious" I replied.
We ran about a kilometre before seeing the cartel clearly. That building was bigger than I thought. A five story building containing multiple garages and even more stuck out extensions with towers right around the building containing in each tower multiple gunmen. This wasn't a cartel, this was a fricken fortress!
My friends and I marveled at the building and our heads were filled with opposing forces of courage and doubt but we had to go in, we didn't come this far to let Celina die. I just can't leave her, especially after what we did in the hotel.
"Ok, move around the building under the towers toward the exit, when we reach we discreetly take out the guards at the back and equip ourselves with their uniforms as disguises. We then sneak to the centre of the hall and free Celina. If one of you happen to get caught and have to shoot, use suppressed weapons only which many guards will have so acquire one as soon as possible." I said.
"No prob captain" said Escanor.
Doragon shook his head and did what I ordered without question. We strategically went from tower to tower and made it to the exit. There were four guards there but......
"Are they sleeping!?" asked Doragon.
"Let's kill them now!" said Escanor.
"Well you don't need to say it like that" I then said.
Our conversation was cut short by the loud snoring of the guards.
"Move in" I commanded.
Doragon took the suppressed side arm from one of the guards and quickly shot them in the head to secure death and to keep the uniforms clean. We put on the uniforms which were perfect fits for us, took all the suppressed weapons and went into the cartel.
The outside looked prestigious but the inside was covered in garbage and the air smelled of cigarettes. We could see Celina from where we stood but the doors were plentiful and all required an ID to open.
"Doragon, go back out and check them for ID's." I said.
After about 30 secs, Doragon came back.
"Nothing" he said.
"What am I supposed to do now!?" I say to myself while trying to open the obviously locked door. Do I need another plan? I nearly have no time for that! O......m......g I'm freaking out!
Just at that moment another plan struck my head like a boulder.
"I'll be back, don't go anywhere" I said to them.
I went in search of another guard, they wouldn't get onto us because of our disguises.....I hope.
"Hey you there!" I shouted.
"Huh?" the guard said confused.
"Come help me here now!" I said.
"Uhhhh, OK" he said following me.
"Can you please open these doors" I asked.
"Uh sure" he replied.
He went on to open the doors and we got to Celina without being caught.
"Celina, take this" I said handing her a pistol.
"Hey, hey you, why are you giving the hostage a gun, wait a minute........INTRUDERS!!" I hear somebody shout.
"Everyone behind cover!" I shouted to my friends as I dive against a table.
Gunshots rang out in the building alerting everyone about the incident.
It was as if war broke out..........actually.........war did break out. The firepower they had was plenty more than ours but our strategic and critical thinking got us through.
We were able to push back the forces of the cartel.
"What......in the f***ing hell.......is that thing!" Celina shouted.
It was a heavily armoured gunman equipped with both a grenade launcher and built in miniguns together with two AR's attached to its back. Its armour was black and silver and was very strong. It stood 9 feet tall and had two cartel guards behind it for backup.
"Oh shit, I'm gonna die! I don't wanna dieeeeee!" screamed Doragon.
I could hear Escanor mumbling a prayer in the back of his throat.
"Shoot the head! Shoot the head!" I shouted to them.
We laced the helmet of the juggernaut with all types of bullets. Our main goal wasn't to hit his head, it was to disrupt his vision.
"Doragon, we'll distract him, sneak around and take down the henchmen!" I said to him.
We rose from our cover once more and began to lace bullets.
The two henchmen suddenly dropped dead and Doragon began to shoot from behind.
Its attention turned to Doragon, it started to advance to him.
"Nooooo!" I said trying to regain its attention. My attempts were futile and I could only shout and keep firing as the juggernaut took aim, poor Doragon froze in fear.
"Run....RUN!" I tried to get him back to his senses.
"Wait a minute! Its legs have exposed hydraulics!" I shouted.
"Aim for the legs!"
We let go all the firepower we had and took its legs out before it could shoot Doragon. It fell flat on its helmet and shut down.
"Shut down!? I thought it was a man in there" I said as I opened the helmet.
Wires, wires and more wires, it was a robot using artificial intelligence to combat us, but for artificial intelligence, it was a well fought fight for the robot.
"You OK dude?" I asked Doragon.
"Yeah, it wasn't a problem" he replied.
"Oh really? Why did you basically shit yourself when it was about to shoot you?" I asked.
"That's behind us now, we got what we came for now let's go" he said leading the way.

Two hours later

We finally reached back to the hotel, we immediately freshened up, ate some food and flopped down on our beds.
I had already began to sleep away when I could hear soft footsteps coming toward me.
Celina lay down beside me and hugged me softly but tightly and she mumbled some words as she slept away.
"Thanks for coming back for me"
I felt a warm feeling in me that almost put me to sleep instantly, but I had enough energy to mumble back to her:
"I'll do anything for you"
before I slept away.

The end of ch7. Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter.

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