Day off-ish

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Doragon's POV

"YAWWWWWWN, that was the best sleep I had in YEARS" I said getting off the bed in a lively manner.
I ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and put on my swimming trunks and ran toward the pool, I didn't even look to see if any people was in it before I accidentally hit them, and to be honest, I really didn't care, I was set on making this day as long as possible.

Half hour later

"Ohhhhh yes!" I said as I put on some dry clothes and head back to the bedroom to take a rest after a nonstop half hour of swimming. I walk in the room and get under the covers. I turn around to make myself comfortable,"what?" I said while rubbing my eyes to see if I was seeing clearly. Xavier is still in bed, but under the covers there seems to be a second body curled up. "Huh" I say to myself wondering what that could be. I curiously get of my bed and walk towards Xavier's bed. I slowly raised the covers to see a hand rapped around his torso. It appeared to be the hand if a girl.
"Wait one fricken minute!" I shouted as I pulled the covers off the bed waking everyone up.
" fricken problem!" Escanor shouted in an irritated state.
I glared at Xavier and he looked back at me in a frightened, guilty way, so did the girl. They knew what they had done for both of them were already half naked.
"Its my fault, if you have to blame anyone blame me not her." Xavier said.
"Ohhhhhhhhh I'm blaming you alright!" I shouted back.
"C'mon.......can't a guy have a little fun?" Xavier replied.
"You're sixteen and she's fourteen! What if you got her pregnant you idiot!" I shouted louder.
"She's not fourteen, she's fifteen"
Xavier said trying to defend himself.
"Do you even know who she is?" Xavier questioned me.
"Of course! She's the waiter you flirted with, listen, you didn't come here to be a Playboy, you came here on a mission......don't you forget that, plus you know I don't encourage that kind of foolishness, especially if your mother and father don't encourage it so please don't do it again, you can be a couple but please restrain yourselves until you're eighteen!" I said to them in a commanding manner.
"Now please.....put on some clothes" I said.
By this time Escanor had already fallen back asleep and no extensive chaos was created between us, well I guess the girl is apart of this now. We could really use the help though.
"I'm gonna sleep for the rest of this damn day" I said as I flopped back down on my bed and fell fast asleep.

Four hours later

"Doragon, Doragon, oh for Christ sake Doragonnnnnnn!" shouted Escanor.
"Oh lord! Can't a man just sleep!"
I replied in a tired manner.
"Its fricken 5pm, wake up" he said.
"Its 5 already!" I exclaimed.
I raced if the bed and followed Escanor back down to the dinning room where a bouffe was set up and Xavier and the girl were sitting there waiting on me.
I sat down and looked at the girl and then looked at Xavier, and then looked back at the girl.
"Well? Aren't you going to tell me her name?" I asked.
I saw him lean in to her ear and whisper.
"What's your name again?"
That was probably the most outrageous thing I ever heard.
"Whaaaaaaaat!? You don't even know her name!?" I raged at Xavier.
"Oh my god! Xavier, how low can you go dude!" I raged once more.
"Ok, let's just eat, by the way, what's your name?" I asked in a gentle manner.
"Celina" she replied.
We calmed ourselves down and began to eat and as usual, we ate everything.
"Escanor, Xavier, can you meet me upstairs now please." I said.
They nodded and followed me upstairs.
I had made a plan to get the viscous lava from the active volcano.
"OK guys, here's what I have in mind." I started explaining and discussing my plan.
"Huh?" I said as I looked at Escanor and Xavier in a confused state.
We looked at each other and ran down the stairs. We stopped and marveled at the sight of the bouffe table. It was a complete mess, and the girl was missing!
Another scream came from outside. We bolted toward the doors and saw a truck, starting its engine.
"Noooooooo!" I dove and latched onto the bumper of the truck while it was speeding off. I could see in the corner of my eye that my friends were sprinting behind me but they were gaining
distance. I felt my hands slipping, I tried desperately to take a piece of evidence with me so we at least have a lead on what kind of car it was.
"The numberplate!" I said to myself.
I quickly pulled out my phone and snapped a picture and at that very moment I lost my grip.
I tumbled a few metres before coming to a sliding stop.
"You okay!?" I hear Escanor in the distance.
"I'm good, just a little shook up"
I said.
"Gosh, this is all my fault, I shouldn't have dragged you guys into this, you two can go home if you want, I'll finish it by myself." Xavier said before breaking down. Me and Escanor looked at each other and comforted him.
"We're in this mess together, might as well finish it together." I said.
"You made your mistakes, now we help you fix them" said Escanor.
"Thanks you guys" Xavier said as he wiped the tears of his face.
"Listen, I got the numberplate."
I said.
"What in hell are we going to do with that?" Escanor asked.
"If we can sneak past border control, we can get access to a computer." I said.
"Well I guess we have a new mission, what should we call it, 'damsel in distress' I guess." Escanor added.
We nodded at each other and headed for the nearest town.

Finally ch5 is over, thanks for reading and see you in ch6.

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