01 | Picture Worthy

Start from the beginning

'I know momma ain't raise no weak bitch...but she did raise one that'll cry when losing something like that camera though.'

And just like that, you quickly crumpled to dust.

Sujin quickly catches on to your mood. "No! We are not going through this again ____!"

You lean against the wall, face frozen with a cry as you slowly slide to the floor.

"Can you just-ugh!"

*Ten Minutes Later*

Handing you a tissue with a smile, Sujin gives you a soft pat on the shoulder. "Are you okay now?"

"Y-yeah. I kinda got it all out of my system now. Sorry you had to go through that." You look at the floor to avoid her amused gaze.

"No problem Toots. You would've done the same for me if the roles were switched."

Wiping away the remaining evidence of your crying fest, you take a deep breath of air and close your eyes. 'No worries. You'll find it, whether today or next year, so no need to cry over it. You have a job to do.'

"Now that you're stable enough, do you think you can pick up some more donuts for the team? They've been under a lot of pressure this week, especially with BTS coming for their photoshoot."

You scoff at the puppy dog expression she was displaying, cheeks puffed out with a pout as big round eyes pleadingly stared at you. "Yeah yeah, I'll get going."

A squeal of delight leaves her jumping frame before she engulfs you in a tight hug. "Ah! Thank you so much!"

Running off before you could get a word in, she quickly turns and throws a bright smile and energetic thumbs up in your direction.

You pick up your purse with a sigh and begin your way towards the lobby, dread filling your being at the thought of the long waiting lines. "Man...the things I do for these people."

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"The things...I do...for these fucking people!" You hissed with a huff, eyes slightly narrowed in irritation as your cramped arms held up the countless boxes of the donuts.

Of course, there were moments of a kind passerby offering to help, but you politely decline for the fact of them possibly freaking out once they saw who was at your workplace at the moment.

Countless warnings of the unpredictable acts that obsessive unstable fans of idols, other known as Sasaeng fans, were capable of committing floated around your workplace.

So you decided to not take any chances and do the daunting multi-person task alone.

Passing through the front desk with a strained smile, you quickly flashed your badge and move towards the elevator before your arms gave out.

You lean against the cool metal surface as the tempting pile of steaming hot boxes sit at your feet.

The smell of fresh out the oven donuts surrounded you, its intoxicating scent causing your stomach to grumble.

'I missed my lunch break already. So...maybe just one?'

"No..." You snap out of your trance with a head shake, the persuading thoughts of devouring the pastries causing your mouth to itch with want, "It's not for you ____...Not. For. You."

'Bitch you bought it with your own damn money! If anything fuck them people and take all of this shit home. Just think about it...You could be feasting on these...all alone.'

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