"Ah sorry about leaving you here, I just wanted to clear up something with Kirishima-kun." Deku explained and sat back down on the floor. The light from the ceiling reflected off his eyes, making them shine brighter than ever before and Ochaco stared into them again, feeling a tingling sensation in her body that she yet had to grow accustomed to.

"That's okay. I needed a few minutes to collect my thoughts after hearing about..." The brunette trailed off without finishing the sentence. She was aware that Deku knew exactly what she meant and it still felt strange to picture Kirishima all alone... hurting.

"I know what you mean. I did not see that coming, but I am glad he has moved past it now." Izuku sighed and rested his head on the bed behind him. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and breathed slowly.

"Do you think... Should we maybe see someone about our problems?" Ochaco fidgeted as she spoke. After hearing Kirishima say that it was the best thing that happened to him, she found herself actually contemplating seeing a therapist.

"Yeah. We can't do this on our own." Deku answered and lifted his head from the bed. Ochaco noticed the dark circles under his eyes and his pale complexion.

"I just... I'm not ready." The brunette whispered and started tracing patterns on the coffee table with her index finger.

"Uraraka-san... I know it's hard to open up and tell someone, but you won't get better if you keep putting it off." Deku scolded gently. His eyes were shining with the same intensity as before, but his features were relaxed and his voice even. Ochaco felt ashamed she couldn't tell him that she was scared of telling others about the dark thoughts in her mind.

"I won't. I just need to work this out on my own... Please?" Her voice was low and Izuku could see the gears turning inside her head. Uraraka's expression was earnest and she looked like she had made up her mind already. Izuku sighed and accepted defeat. There was no point in pressuring her, but at least she had decided to accept help. Still, he needed her word.

"You have to promise me you'll see the school counselor as soon as possible and you'll tell me if there is even the slightest thing wrong. Also you have to tell your parents about your nightmares." Izuku added as an afterthought. He, too, had decided to tell his mother and All Might about his nightmares and he wanted the brunette to do the same. They had to start somewhere and they had to rely on each other.

"I will. Thank you Deku." Uraraka reached over and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze before letting it fall back down to his side.

"Was this what you wanted to talk to me about?" Izuku asked her. Before Kirishima showed up, she had looked so anxious and tense at the same time, so he figured it had been related to what she was going through at the moment. When she nodded, his suspicion was confirmed.

"I've been having really bad thoughts lately..." She admitted slowly and looked anywhere but at Izuku. She was thinking about how to formulate her next sentence when Midoriya interrupted her thoughts by almost throwing himself forwards and slamming into the coffee table between them.

"...Are you-are you suicidal?" Izuku sounded horrified at the prospect. He desperately hoped that wasn't the case, and knowing Uraraka it surely wasn't, but he had to make sure just in case. If anything, he had learned today that not everyone was fine no matter how they portrayed themselves to others.

"No! No not at all!" Uraraka's hands flew up in defense and she shook her head vigorously. Her eyes had widened in disbelief and horror washed over her face, making Izuku sigh in relief.

"Thank god." He looked genuinely relieved after hearing her answer and nearly made her chuckle when he slumped back with a hand clutched to his heart.

"I'm not self-harming either... It's just... Compared to you and everyone else, I'm so weak. I need to get stronger, I know, but sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be good enough as a hero..." Ochaco realized a second too late how much she had let slip and immediately tried to backtrack when she saw Midoriya's shocked expression.

"I-I mean, I just feel like I need to work harder you know? Like you and Iida-kun or Tsuyu-chan... I uh... yeah, something like that." Ochaco finished lamely and mentally smacked herself for not thinking before opening her mouth. What was it with the Midoriyas that made her spill the beans all the time? Deku's mother had also made her confess the same thing just a day ago.

"Uraraka-san, I had no idea... But you shouldn't compare yourself to others, no matter the circumstances. That's like comparing your chapter one with someone else's chapter 15... And you're by no means weak! Do I have to remind you of how high you ranked in the entrance exam and the sports festival? Not to mention all your work with Gunhead, the training camp and your internship with Ryuukyuu. No one would get that far if they weren't strong, determined and extremely capable." Deku started rambling and his steady stream of words only came to an end, when Ochaco was stunned into silence. The tops of his cheeks pinked, but he still had something to add, so he kept going.

"You are not weak just because your heart feels heavy. That's what All Might once told me and I feel that applies to you right now." The freckled boy scratched his head and looked up at the brunette from under his bangs.

She was completely silent, but tears had welled up in her eyes during his speech and made Izuku feel like a complete jerk. Had his words been too harsh and made her cry? He shouldn't have been so direct about it, he should just have told her that she had his support and wasn't in it alone. Tiny hiccups started and Uraraka's hands went up to cover her mouth. Izuku had really done it now, he had made a girl cry. His mother was going to kill him.

Next time the kids will go get burgers and milkshakes, so stay tuned!!!

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