Chapter Twenty Nine: New

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We snuck in the door.
It was late. We left the party for so long and didn't even realize how long we were out.
Because the time seemed so still when I was with him.
We peaked past the door to see most of the people were gone. But, WinWin, Soojin, and Mark were all laying on the floor with their arms covering their faces.
We slowly closed the door and stared at them.
"Are they sleeping?" I whispered to Haechan.
"Looks like they're exhausted," Haechan replied. I took a quick glance at him. "We were out there for so long.." I made a small chuckle.
"It was a romantic moment." Haechan shrugged. I walked in the living room, to look down at them.
"I wonder what they're still doing here.." I tried hard not to wake them up. I looked closely at their faces. They looked worn out, their faces drained. I looked over at Soojin and it looked like her cheeks were full of dry tears. 
"What exactly happened?" 
Haechan came up behind me. "Was it a bad idea to leave them alone in my house..?" Haechan whispered to me with a slight smirk.
"I mean..they couldn't have been reckless.. I mean the others left and plus, WinWin is pretty responsible. I just think something else happened..." I tried to think. "Was there a fight?..."
Then I noticed WinWin started moving. He had a slight moan. "Aye.." He slowly started to get up. He wiped his eyes. "Looks like I fell asleep." He said quietly. He focused his eyes on us. "What happened here?" I asked quickly.
"I should ask you two that.." He shrugged. "You were out for so long, what were you doing? field trip?" WinWin's head swayed back.
"He's not usually like this.." I chuckled to myself. WinWin had a frown on his face. "Mark and Soojin had a disagreement because apparently Chungha and Ten are going abroad and Soojin wanted to go as well?" WinWin slowly stood up.
"Wait, Chungha is moving away?" I was a bit shocked.
"Yeah, they wanted to wait for you guys to release the news but they had to guys were so slow." WinWin chuckled. In the corner of my eye, I saw Mark struggling to get up. "Can you guys be quieter?" 
"Why didn't you guys just go home then..?" Haechan popped up. 
"Well, we wanted to make sure you guys came back first." We all just stared at Mark, who had his head swung over. Haechan slowly walked up to him and squat down. "All good?" 
"Yeah." Mark scratched his head. "Just exhausted." He got up and fixed himself. Mark looked at me. "Try to convince your friend there to stay, okay? I can't convince her." He started to walk toward the door. I hadn't seen Mark like that before. If it's one thing, I hate when others fight. Especially when they're so close.
"Everything will be alright, I will be sure." I nodded at Mark. He nodded back. "I will make sure he gets back." WinWin quickly followed after him. They both left. I made a big sigh.
"Why is it one thing after the other?" I shrugged. 
Haechan made a sigh. "That's what people do right? no one will agree on everything. We just have to be understanding with each other, and help them realize that." 
Haechan's words were always so inspiring to me, he knew exactly what to say especially when I didn't. I nodded quickly. I walked over to Soojin. 
"Now, let's just deal with her." I took a breath and lightly touched Soojin's arm. Her arm slowly moved away, and her eye fought to open. 
"Hey, Are you okay?" I wanted to be there for her and wanted to tell her how Mark really feels, but I didn't want to stress her out. 
"Yeah." She moaned. She looked so tired. I got the idea. I looked back up at Haechan. "Is it okay if she stays here tonight?" 
Haechan's eyes widened. "Oh....uh yeah sure." He looked away with a shrug. I squinted. "What did he think we were going to spend the night together?" I laughed to myself. I put Soojin's arm around my shoulder. "It's okay!" She quickly let go and started to stand up. "I am just so tired." Soojin made a quick smile. I looked at her face, and she could barely keep her eyes open. "I can't tell if she's drunk or just tired.." I quickly brought her to the spare room.
"Well, goodnight then-" I closed the door as Haechan was speaking. I felt bad for leaving him alone like that. "He will understand," I said to myself. Soojin made her way to the bed. "Just get some rest." As she covered in the blankets, her eyes were already closed. I decided to set up my bed on the floor. 
"Well, I was worried about you guys." I heard Soojin moan. I looked up at the bed, surprised she was still awake. "We are great.. we were just talking for a while. I am the one who is worried about you." I looked up at the ceiling.
"Is it wrong for me to want to go do something I want to do?" Soojin's eyes opened, her face looked calm. When she said that the thought came to my mind. 
"Is this the way Haechan feels with me..?" The worry started to grow. 
"No, it isn't. But, Mark doesn't want to be separated from you. He wants to be with you." I tried to understand both of them.
"I know." Soojin took a big sigh. "But, I have been wanted to study's something I really want to do and I want Mark to come with me but he's attached to here.." Soojin seemed confused but I did understand how she felt somehow.
"All I can say is think about what you care about most, and follow what you truly want to do," I said softly. Soojin made a soft smile.
"Thank you, Y/N." She stopped then started to talk again. "I am not mad at Mark. I really appreciate all he does for me..he does too much." She made a small scuff. 
"He's really sweet even if he doesn't always seem like it." I made a small laugh. My eyes started to get heavy.
"Let's go to bed now." We both turned over. Soojin seemed in a better mood. "I hope she chooses what she truly wants..I just don't want to see something bad happen." I started to think.
"What if Haechan wants to follow his dream, and I am holding him back? I want him to stay but I want him to truly be happy.. I don't want to force him to be here..maybe I should ask him?"
We woke up the next morning. I smelled something delicious. I was barely even awake but I quickly shot up and walked out of the room in my pajamas. I swung around. "What's that amazing smell?" I opened my eyes to see Haechan spatula things onto a plate. He had a small apron on. "French Toast and Pancakes of course!" Haechan said excitedly. 
He then started to chuckle. "What?" I smirked over at him. He looked up and down at my body. I looked down to see I was still in messy pajamas and hair. "It's not like you haven't seen me like this before." I rolled my eyes, then made a quick smile.
"Yeah...but this is my first time seeing you as my girlfriend in pajamas...I see it differently you know?" Haechan said cutely as he placed plates on the table. While he said that, my heart started to rush. "I almost forgot we were together now.."
"I don't see how that makes a difference." I pouted as I made my way to the table to sit down.
Haechan sat across from me with a big smile on his face. "Yes, it does." He quickly grabbed my hand. My face turned red. I looked up at him. "Hehehe." He started giggling. I heard a loud cough. I quickly looked back to see Soojin smirking at us. I quickly pulled my hand away from Haechan. "Come...uh have some breakfast." I was hoping she didn't see. I was so nervous and embarrassed I didn't know why. Haechan made a quick pout, then sprouted back up. "Yep, there is plenty." 
Soojin walked up to the table and sat next to me. "Yeah, I totally saw that." Soojin sat up straight. "You really can't hide it." She smirked and started to eat. 
"Well...I." I started to stutter.
"Yeah! Well, Everyone is going to know because well I want to show them how much I love Y/N!" Haechan smiled as he shoved a bite in his mouth. My heart started to beat as I got flustered. "Well...I uh.." I scratched my head. 
"You guys are too cute seriously." Soojin smiled. I looked down at my plate full of french toast, pancakes, topped with whipped cream and strawberries. I cut into it and shoved it in my mouth to true to hide how embarrassed I was. 
"Nah, just her." Haechan was acting so cute. He had a big smile on his face. "He really is happy." I made a gentle smile at him as he was attacking his food. 
"Well, after this I am going to leave and you guys should totally go out on a date!" Soojin nudged my shoulder.
Haechan looked up at me and raised his eyebrows. "Want to go somewhere?"
"Yeah." I nodded with a huge smile on my face. I was getting excited and happy to finally be able to be with him. It's something so precious I never want to let go of. 
"I will think about things and get back to Mark. Don't worry about it, okay?" Soojin stood up. "I will make up with him." By her face, I could tell she had a plan in mind. "I hope it all goes well." I gave her a quick smile. She grabbed her things and ended up leaving. I continued to eat.
"I am sure they will work things out, right?" Haechan looked up at me.
"Yeah. I trust in them." I made a small nod.
"I am just worried about Mark." Haechan looked serious, I could tell he cared about Mark a lot. "It'll be okay, I promise." I slowly grabbed Haechan's hands. He looked up and his eyes widened. "Thank you, Y/N." He made a soft smile then scratched his head. "I guess you're not the only one that gets embarrassed." he made a small nervous chuckle. 
I couldn't help but smile. "Well, that's normal if our hearts are beating so loudly, right?" I looked down, embarrassed too. "Yeah." Haechan gripped tighter on my hand. 
We both looked up at each other. "Let's have a good time together todayyyy okay?" He said cutely.
"Of course." I hummed back as we finished breakfast. After some time we decided to hop on the couch and turn on a movie. "let's just chill, for now, okay?" Haechan shrugged as he leaned back. I was next to him, holding his hand. "Sure." I made a small nod. So much was going on lately that it was nice just to sit back and relax for a while. 
There was always something happening, but that made it exciting. Being, next to him, watching the movie silently. It warmed my heart that he was beside me. I had a quick thought. I looked up at him. "Next time I make breakfast, okay?" I whispered. He looked down at me. Our faces were close. "That was quite random." He made a small smile.
"Yeah, I just thought. I want to make you really good food." I pulled myself closer to him and wrapped my arm around his. I wanted to show him how much he really meant to me, I wanted to stay with him forever. 
"You can. Whenever you want, make whatever you want. Whatever you want me to eat, I will eat it." Haechan shrugged. 
"Of course you will. I am an amazing cook." I bragged. 
"Mhm. I am better though." Haechan looked back at the t.v.
"No, I make really good sweets."
"Nah." Haechan denied.
"I had to guide you through dinner last night.." I glared.
"Merry Christmas by the way." Haechan made a quick smile.
I forgot. It's Christmas. I felt dumb. "No wonder why it feels so odd.." I muttered. 
"You forgot?" Haechan started to chuckle. "Last night we had a big dinner and everything.."
"Well, with all that's happening...I just got so distracted." I pouted.
"Am I that distracting?" Haechan smirked. "That's so cute." He laughed.
I got flustered. "Yeah, yeah. You could put it that way I guess." I rolled my eyes but smiled quickly afterward. 
"I have a gift for you later, I can't wait for you to see it!" Haechan started to tease.
I started to get excited. "You got me something?" I looked down and grabbed hold of my necklace. "You already gave this to me...and it's so special..I don't need anything more than this and you of course.." I saw the sun and moon necklace.
"Yes! but you deserve all the gifts Y/N." He started to giggle. "My moon."
My heart started to pound. I looked up at him. "I am the sun and you're the moon, right?" He raised his eyebrows. I made a small nod. I started to get shy again. But, I couldn't help but smile at his loving presence. 

After some time we decided to get up. 
"Should we get a snack?" Haechan ran around the kitchen. 
"How about we go out for a snack?" I suggested.
"Well, It's Christmas and a lot of places are closed." Haechan scratched his head. 
"True.. I was just craving a good milkshake." I chuckled nervously as I slid in my socks. 
"I will buy you a milkshake soon. I promise." Haechan raised his fist. "How about I make you some matcha? I have some." He reached up and got tin from the cabinet. 
"Sure." I made a small nod. "Make it extra frothy." I grinned then looked back at my phone. I checked my messages to see if my mom had texted me. But, there was nothing. "I wonder how they're doing.." Renjun still hasn't woke up. I looked down. I didn't want to let it bother me. I looked back up and saw Haechan's expression was calm and soft. That lit up my heart. "I don't deserve him."


Soojin got out her phone and started dialing Mark's number. But, he didn't answer. Soojin trailed off down the sidewalk. "Why isn't he replying?" Soojin uttered with slight annoyance in her breath. She sighed. "It's freezing and I am alone on Christmas, this is great.." Soojin shivered as she made her way through town. Soojin marched her way to Mark's house.
Before she opened the door, she hesitated. "Should I bother him today or should I just wait?..." She withdrew her hand.
"I will just come back tomorrow." She muttered. 
Soojin felt as if she was bothering Mark. The decision she wanted to make was hard for her. But, she started to think:
"What is most important to me?" Soojin backed away from the door and decided to go home. "I will tell him later." She told herself.

Inside Mark's house, he was surrounded by his family. He had a fake smile on his face, trying to forget the look on Soojin's face last night.
"Maybe I should let her go." He had thought as he laid his head down. His siblings were playing with their toys at his feet. "Brother brother! play with us!" They yelled. He made a quick smile. "Sure," Though Soojin was always on his mind, he shrugged it off for there was nothing he could do. He slid off the couch and started to face his little brothers and sister. He started to play with them. Though he was always embarrassed to do so, he always loved doing things for others. Especially his family.
"Do you know what's up with Mark?" His mother whispered to his father. 
"he got back late last night, he's been acting weird since." His father whispered back. Mark overheard them.
"I guess I should tell Soojin that she should go for it...shouldn't I?" Mark thought. "I just want her to be happy. If she's happy apart from me. That's okay." When Mark thought that, his heart started to hurt a bit. He remembered the exact moment he fell in love with Soojin.

A flashback to the summer at the beach,
Soojin stood in front of Mark.
"You have been around Yuta a lot lately.." Mark scratched his head and looked down at the ground.
Soojin brushed her hair back with a slight sigh.
"You don't have to worry about that." She made a gentle smile.
"Even if you say so..I still worry. I worry that you love someone else." Mark realized what he said. He realized he was jealous. He wanted Soojin, he only wanted her. He stared at her beating eyes. 
"Well, Yuta is my cousin so you don't have to worry." She let out a chuckle.
Mark's eyes widened. "Really?" he was surprised.
"you were really jealous weren't you..?" Soojin looked down with a smile.
Mark couldn't keep his eyes off of her. "Everything about her," That exact moment Mark had a feeling in his chest that he didn't want to accept, he truly loved her. 
"I want to assure you." He muttered. Soojin immediately looked up at him.
"You were afraid that I wasn't sure that I would be loyal to you...right?" He scratched his head.
"Oh, yeah." 
"well, I am sure now." By Mark's words, Soojin's eyes widened. "I will always be loyal to you. Because, well, I really like you." Mark made a slight cough because he was embarrassed.
"I want you to be treated right. I want your happiness more than anything."
By Mark's words, Soojin was sure of her feelings too. "He's different from other boys.."

Mark snapped out of his flashback when one of his brothers threw a toy car across the floor. He started to laugh nervously.
"What's wrong, Markie? you aren't playing right.." His sister made sad eyes.
"It's nothing." Mark felt bad. "Soojin always calls me Markie.." he laughed to himself. He tried to keep his mind off of it.

A few days have passed and they still didn't talk to each other. They were both still afraid. 
Soojin shrugged to herself in her apartment. "I can't seem to get out of this chair.." she thought to herself, wishing she had gone to Mark already. 
"This is killing me." She stood up in frustration. "I need to tell him what I feel." She rolled her eyes around.
"That I am going to stay."
Chungha and Ten were going to leave soon, the new year was approaching. But, Soojin had to tell Mark before that would happen. Soojin decided to get some fresh air and walk through the town.
She always enjoyed browsing the shops even though she did it all the time, and didn't want anything that was inside. She looked down the aisles of this small clothing store. Trying to keep herself distracted. She browsed the pastel-like dresses. She peeked over a shelf to see the last person she expected. 
Mark was with his family, at the cash register. "What is he doing here?! now?!" She started to panic. "Maybe this is a sign.." The feeling in her was so deep that she didn't want to hide anymore. She couldn't keep it in. She stormed down the aisle and grabbed Mark's arm. He jumped and looked back suddenly. His eyes widened when he realized it was Soojin. "W-what are you doing here?" He whispered with a stutter. He looked back to make sure his family wasn't looking. 
"I want to explain something to you." Soojin was so determined. She couldn't just sit around anymore. She pulled on Mark's arm and brought him outside without his family noticing. 
Soojin made a focused face.
"I wanted to talk to you too, actually." Mark scratched his head. "But, I didn't expect it to be this way.. want to go somewhere else?" He shrugged.
"I just want to be clear." Soojin completely ignored what he said.
"Well, I was going to tell you that you should go and follow what you want to do. You don't have to tell me anymore." Mark's words aren't what Soojin wanted to hear. "Does he really want me to leave..?" Soojin suddenly got silent and Mark started to get concerned.
"Did I say the wrong thing?" He got flustered.
"You really want me to go?" Soojin slowly looked up at him.
"Uh well," Mark wasn't sure what to say. "If I was honest, then no. I don't want to be separated from you but-" As Mark was talking Soojin stopped him by hugging him, then quickly nudging him away. "Good. Because I am staying. You shouldn't just be trying to spare my feelings." Soojin crossed her arms.
"That's what I was telling you last night." Mark chuckled. 
"Well..." Soojin was embarrassed because he was right. "I just didn't think about it long enough." 
Mark's family suddenly walked out and noticed them. It was hard for Soojin to look at them.
Mark chuckled. "So, you're good with Soojin right, Mark?" His mom smirked. They both blushed because they weren't used to being together in front of their families. "We really should learn to be more comfortable." Soojin glared at Mark. Then he released a chuckle. "Thank you for staying."
"I am only staying because I want to, okay?" Soojin scuffed. She didn't want to admit, but she didn't really want to go.

But, on the other hand.


"I told you I would treat you to milkshakes, right? That means I am going to treat you with the BEST milkshakes." Haechan was excited. We were on a train, traveling a bit of distance. "But, is it worth going to another town?" I shrugged.
"Yeah, of COURSE! I want to treat with the best of courseeee." He lightly patted my head with a cute smile. He was so tiny. "He's so cute!" I screamed in my head, my face got red. I quickly wiped my nose. 
"Well, thank you then. You really didn't have to do all this." 
"Of course. Jungwoo and I came here one time and was so mind-blowing, it's worth the trip!" Haechan clapped his hands. He smiled off. He seemed so happy with me. "Is that just he really happy?" I looked down at the thought. He looked over at me and gripped my hand. "Is there something on your mind?" His face went calm.
"No, I am just so flattered I have you.." I tried to fight the embarrassed smile and my beating heart.
"Oh, oh." Haechan made a quick smile. "You will always have me." He looked outside the rolling skies passing. It was amazing how quickly his expression would change. He was really passionate about everything, and that alone made me feel a big grip on my chest. 
We arrived in the new town and this candy shop.
Inside the colors of the walls and wallpaper that decorated the rest of the room was pastel pink, purple, and blue. "It's cute, small in here." I could feel the coziness. We walked up to the counter, with our hands locked. 
"Could we get two LARGE strawberry and chocolate milkshakes please?" Haechan asked cutely. He quickly looked at me with a smile. "The large ones are the best.." He chuckled with a smirk. We walked to a small, round table and sat down. "How large are these things exactly?" I was confused. I looked back to see two people carrying large milkshakes to the table.
I was surprised at how large they really were. "How am I going to drink all of that?!" 

𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 | HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now