Chapter Twenty Two: A New View

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The events of what happened last night made me feel nervous. "He likes me... like I thought.." I walked to school. Nervous if I was going to see him. I went to the first class. About to open the door. I gulped at my thoughts. I opened it and looked up. I saw everyone but WinWin there. I sighed to myself and made my way to my seat. I looked back at Haechan, He was already looking at me. I made a quick wave. "What's wrong?" He asked me."It's nothing." I quickly made a nervous smile. I saw Mark sitting next to him, scratching his head nervously. "I wonder what happened with him and Soojin last night.." Many scenarios went through my head. Mark coughed. "So, what happened with You and WinWin last night?" Mark looked up at me. Haechan seemed shocked. "I just took him home, that's all." I got scared for some reason. "Are you sure about that?.." Mark whispered to me with a grin. I nodded quickly as my eyes widened. Haechan scratched his head in confusion. "Were you guys out last night?" "Yeah. It was last minute though. It was Y/N, WinWin, Soojin, and I." Mark said quickly while racing his eyebrows. I looked down because I was afraid of what Haechan was going to say. I was getting afraid as if we were dating or something. I just laughed at myself. Suddenly someone walked in. It was WinWin. My heart started to thump. "Does he remember what happened last night?" I looked away from him as he came and sat next to me. "You actually came today?" Mark slowly tapped his shoulder. WinWin looked back at him. "Yeah, I escaped last minute." He chuckled. "Well, you know you have to stand up for yourself one day soon, right, Y/N?" Mark tapped my head. I looked up at them. " should claim your own freedom." I scratched my head as I looked at him. He looked down awkwardly. I felt like he remembered what happened last night. I just don't know how to tell him the truth...I looked down at myself feeling really awkward. "Hey." Haechan suddenly said. I looked back at him. "How about we all go out to eat today?" Haechan said with a smile, he seemed to be excited. "I am good.. I will be busy with work anyway, So I apologize in advance." WinWin made a quick smile but he still looked very nervous. "Oh.. I promised a meal with Soojin." Mark leaned back. "Oh." Haechan seemed disappointed. "I can still go!" I suddenly said. His face popped up when I said that. "We should do it then." We both nodded at each other. WinWin glanced over at us as we smiled at each other. I fixed myself as the teacher walked in. I felt nervous and I could only imagine how WinWin was feeling right now. "I don't want to make him upset or betray him.. so what do I do? Should I ask for advice?" I gulped and looked down. "With exams coming up I will give you a little less to do." The teacher said. I was so distracted by other things that I almost forgot about the exams that are happening soon. I shook my head around. 

After school, I started to walk to the library. I shuffled with my bag. Someone ran beside me with a big smile. I saw it was Haechan. I looked down and smiled. I was happy to see him. "Where are you headed?" He swung back and forth. "Library of course. I almost forgot that I need to study for the upcoming exams." I looked up at him. "How could you forget? silly." He lightly brushed my shoulder. "Do you mind if I study with you? I actually need help with some.. I've been too embarrassed to ask but I am afraid if I don't then I'll fail." Haechan shrugged with a smile. I wanted to focus on studying and not worry about other things as of right now. Though I didn't want to leave WinWin wondering and upset him even more, it was just awkward for me to be around him. I didn't want it to be. I wanted to smile with him again. Being around Haechan made me happy, all I could do was smile. I was sitting in the library with him and studying. It was quiet, but I didn't mind. I looked up at him reading his textbook. I smiled lightly. My heart started to flutter. He looked up and noticed I was looking at him. I looked down. "What is it?" He laughed. "Nothing. You just look so focused.. I have never thought you'd be this focused on a test.." I chuckled to myself. "Oh? why is that?" Haechan raised his eyebrow. "Well, In high school you never studied and went for it. You always aced it though regardless.." I teased. "Yeah, but this is college." Haechan shrugged back. "It's harder, Y'know?" he scrunched his nose. I laughed quietly. "What do you gain for teasing me?" Haechan whined. "You do the same thing to me, so I don't want to hear it." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure. I am never mean to you." he scoffed and looked back down at his book. I rolled my eyes at him. Through the years I have known him, I saw him in a different perspective. Through all we have gone through, he's always been here to cheer me up and I could never repay him. I smiled at myself as I continued to focus on studying. After a relaxing time with him, I stood up. "I have to go and do some work." I laughed to myself. "I will see you later then.. Dinner, right?" Haechan had an exciting smile on his face. "Yeah Yeah." I quickly nodded, trying to hide my small smile. I walked away, with my heart beating. 

𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 | HaechanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant