Chapter Nine: When We Were Young

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"I remember the exact moment when we first met," I said

A flashback, to when I was an itty bitty child. My family and I lived in a small city. My father was a businessman, my mom was a cook. My life was all bright and sunny.

One day, I was in my bright pink room. My hair was styled in pigtails. I was playing with my favorite plushies and toys. "Grrrr!! Ahhh!!" One animal crashed into the other. I spun around my room. I felt so very happy. I then smelled something delicious. I put down my toys and ran out of my room. I sniffed. "Where is that coming from?..." I glared around, sniffing and sniffing. I then noticed the smell was coming from the back yard, I ran out the window doors. I saw my mom mixing things together, and my dad was flipping things on a grill. "Daddy! Mommy!" They noticed me and smiled. "Hey dear." My mom came and pat me on my head. "I knew I sniffed something!" I yelled. "Haha. You have a sharp nose." My mom winked. I sat down at a picnic table, swinging my legs. My dad turned his head and looked at me. "Are you ready for your first day of preschool tomorrow?"
I got flustered. "I so nervous!" I whined and kicked my legs. "You'll do great!" My mom placed her hand on my shoulder. Her reassurance assured me. We all sat down and ate burgers. I always found it weird that my mom had a bigger stomach than any of us.

The Next Day

I shuffled around in my bed. It was my first day of preschool today and I was so nervous. I tried to hide beneath my big blankets. I heard the door creak open. "Time to get ready." I heard my mom say. I heard her come up to me then start tickling me from under the blanket. "Stop it! Stop!" I whined and tossed over the blanket. "Time to get ready! I even made you breakfast." My mom patted my head and smiled. "Oooooo." I got up from my bed. My mom got me dressed in small jeans, and a colorful long sleeved shirt. As she left the room followed her. She helped me up to the table, and I ate some cereal and yogurt. I was silent most of the time. She helped me down, handed me my backpack, and walked me to the car. She buckled me up in my booster seat, and we headed to my first day of school.

We arrived at this big building, she walked me in, and there was a girl crouched to see me. "I'm your teacher. Are you ready for today?" She smiled brightly. I nodded with a slight smile. "What's your name?" She put her hands on my shoulders. I had noticed my mom had snuck out. I kept looking around for her but she was gone. I was kind of scared. "Don't be scared." The teacher reassured me. I focused on her. "What's your name?" She repeated. "Y/N..." I whispered. "Nice to meet you, Y/N." She led me to the classroom. It was really colorful, full of toys, and snacks. I wanted to play so bad. I noticed other kids were there too. "Go on and sit down." My teacher said. I sat down on the floor next to the other kids.
"Hello, guys!" My teacher said with a smile. "Today's the first day! So let's all say our names one by one." She smiled. The kids went one by one. The boy beside me said his name right before me. "My name is.... Hay, Can." He nodded confidently. "Do you mean... Hae-Chan?" The teacher asked. "Yes, mwam." He said with a cute squish. "My name is Y/N." I shyly looked down. "Why are you so quiet?" The boy next to me whispered. "Wel..." I didn't know what to say because I never really had other friends. The class had started. We first learned basic things.
We all sat at a table, and started to color in coloring books, and ate some snacks. I started coloring, the boy was beside me coloring too. "You wanna pway?" He looked up at me with his squishy cheeks. I nodded. We ended up playing toys together and he was the first-ever boy I ever played with,
But the thing is, when I came the next day. He wasn't there,
The day after that, he wasn't there either, neither was he any days after that. I never forgot my first friend.


It was the middle of the night. I heard a ruckus going on in the house. I thought there was something wrong, so I snuck out of my room. I saw my dad lifting my mom, who was crying in pain, and bringing her to the front door. "Y/N! Come on!" As he said that, I carried my little feet into my shoes and followed my dad to the car. My mom was whining in pain. I wasn't sure what was wrong, but my mom was holding onto her tummy. Her face beat red and she kept taking deep breaths over and over. My dad was driving really fast. "What's wrong?" I kept asking but I got no answer. We arrived at a big building and ran inside. The people took my mom into a room, I was waiting outside. I sat on a chair, alone, for a long time. I wasn't sure what was wrong but I wasn't leaving. Then my dad came walking out of the room and invited me in. I walked in, to see my mom, holding a tiny baby. "A baby!!" I smiled and ran up to it.
"You have a brother, say hello!" My dad looked so happy. "Hello!" I said to my brother. My mom cuddled him. "His name is Renjun." We all smiled at this sweet moment. I was so afraid something bad happened, but this amazing miracle was a memory for sure.

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