Chapter Thirteen: A True Smile

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"I'm so glad yesterday went well." I thought with a smile. I sat outside, on the porch with my coffee. I pulled myself up on the railing and hung my feet off. I started to get a call. I put my coffee down next to me as I swung my legs. I picked up the phone to see it was Yuna, I answered it. "What's up!?" For some reason, I was in a really happy mood. I don't know if it was because of what happened last night, or What? "Wellll... I book us a resort!!" Yuna yelled. I was shocked by what she said. "A... resort? What do you mean?" I scratched my head. "A resort at the beach of course! And you're coming with!" Yuna said happily. "For real?! When?!" I felt a wave of happiness. I could feel the excitement take over me.
"Two days! Since break only the last a few weeks more, I'd thought I'd take these weeks for all us to spend time together!" Yuna said excitedly. "That sounds amazing.. I'll go to the store and pick up some things so I can prepare..." I said but then the thought came over me. "Wait.. how did you get the money?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh.." Yuna chuckled. "WinWin might've helped pay for it?..." Yuna seemed a bit embarrassed and afraid of what I was going to say. "For real? He just paid for it like it was nothing?" I sighed. I felt like I was a burden to WinWin. I didn't want him to keep doing things for us like crazy. "Well, I just came up with the idea then I told Soojin, then Soojin told Mark, then I guess Mark told WinWin? Then WinWin insisted and sent me the receipts for his purchase but I didn't force him! I swear!" Yuna sounded like she was begging. I chuckled with relief. "It's okay. I'm glad we are getting to go.." another thought came across me. "Who is going?" I asked
"Uh.. Me, You, Yuta, Soojin, Mark, WinWin, Jungwoo, Taeyong, ChungHa, Taeil, and of course Haechan! I just haven't invited him yet so I leave that up to you." Yuna went on. I was shocked at how many people were coming. "That many?!... geez you got the whole gang." I chuckled. "But, okay. I'll get in contact with Haechan right away and let him know." I replied as we both hung up. I smiled brightly. As I leaned over to put my phone down, my arm hit something. My coffee had fallen on the porch and spilled everywhere. "Geez." I sighed with disappointment. "Guess I need another one," I said to myself. I walked into the house. Renjun was playing video games and my mom was cooking. I started to gather things around in my room. "What's all that commotion?!" My mom yelled. I shrugged and decided to walk out and tell her. "Well, Yuna and I are going on vacation and I'm just gathering things to see what I need at the store." I scratched my head. I was afraid of what she was going to say. "For real?! You're going to the beach?" She dropped what she was doing and ran up to me. "We need to get you packed!" She seemed happy I was going so that was a feeling of relief for me. "Don't worry. I don't go for another two days so it's alright." I waved my hands with a nervous chuckle. My mom calmed for a bit. Then there was a sad look on her face. "You just got back though.. and now you're going away again?" My mom sighed. I realized her feelings. I gave her a side hug. "I'm sorry. This was sudden on me too. But I'll be sure to spend more time here for Winter break! For sure!" I tried to reassure her. She popped back up. "I guess you're right." My mom let go and went on to what she was doing before. I smiled and headed back to my room. I sat down at my desk and wrote down things that I needed for the trip. Then I got the idea. "I still need to invite Haechan... right? Maybe I can invite him to go to the store with me." I smiled at the thought. I got out my phone. "Wait.. this won't be weird right?... why do I feel so nervous suddenly?" I scratched my head. I smiled and decided to text Haechan to meet up. "Why am I so excited?!" The feeling was getting to me, and there was a constant smile on my face. I was so excited to see where this trip would go and what would happen. I got up and headed outside.

I walked down the street to see Haechan running towards me, my face grew into a smile. He noticed me and started pacing towards me. "Hey!" Haechan said with a big smile. I felt my heart beating really fast as he was standing right in front of me. "So.. I wanted to talk to you about something!" I slowly nudged his shoulder. We started to walk together. "What is it?" Haechan's face grew nervous. For some reason, he looked scared, and I wasn't sure why. I stood close to him and swayed back and forth with a smile. "You seem excited?" He looked at me and chuckled. "Well... I was wondering if you'd like to go to the beach?" I popped the question. He looked surprised and embarrassed. His cheeks turned pink. "Uh." He scratched his head. "The beach?" Haechan looked surprised. "Yeah. With the whole gang! Yuna invited us! She told me to tell you." I laughed. "Oh." Haechan realized. We continued walking. Haechan looked at me. "Will.. WinWin be there?" Haechan suddenly asked. I was shocked by his question, and I wasn't sure why he was acting so nervous. "Yeah... why?" I replied. "I'll go then!" Haechan nodded quickly, as we got to the store. "What does WinWin being there have to do with him coming?.." I thought. We walked in and I grabbed a shopping cart. I pushed it around the aisles, getting things that were on the list. Haechan just followed behind me. I got to the snack department and started throwing in snacks. Out of the blue, Haechan grabbed my hand to stop me from putting any more snacks in. My heart pounded. I looked at him and gulped. "Settle on the snacks. We can't eat that much right?" Haechan chuckled. I lowered my hand and quickly blushed, but I brushed it off. "Well, we're going on a plane ride. Since the beach is like.. super far from here and all... so I thought I'd get snacks for everyone and there are SO many people going I thought I'd get some." I said quickly and scratched my head. Being that close to him made me feel a wave of embarrassment so I quickly turned around to face the cart. "Oh." Haechan shrugged. "Sorry about that." Haechan started putting more snacks in. I turned to look at him. "Do you think it was just going to be you and me?" I raised an eyebrow. Haechan stopped in his tracks. "Nooooo." He avoided eye contact then turned around and smiled. His smile made me smile. "I'm paying for some of it though!" Haechan insisted. I turned back around. "Nope." I started pushing the cart. Haechan ran to catch up behind me. I turned my head away from him. "I don't want you spending all your money on snacks.." he chuckled. "Well, I'm not letting you spend money." I pouted. "You won't let me spoil you?" Haechan teased. "Just let me." He grabbed ahold of the cart, while I was holding onto it. His hands were super close to mine. Haechan started running so I had no choice but to run as well. "What are you doing?!" I yelled. "I'm not letting you get away!" He teased. We ran across the store and to the counter. Haechan started putting the things on the counter so the cashier would start counting it. I ran up to him. "I'm paying." I nudged Haechan aside. "No." He nudged me back. The price came up, as I was about to swipe my card, Haechan swiped his card, faster then I can even see. "Hey!!!" I glared at him. "You owe me now." Haechan made a cheesy smile. The cashier was just giggling at us. We got the bags and started to head back to my house. "I can't believe you bought that.." I looked down and pouted. "Well.. you just owe me now that's all." Haechan smiled while skipping back and forth. His smile was bright, and I couldn't stop looking at him. Haechan's smile was so different from other smiles to me. It warmed my heart and I couldn't help but giggle. "I'll treat you to dinner then!" I popped up. "Oh?" Haechan seemed happy by that idea. "Yes pleaseeeee!" Haechan clapped his bag full hands and smiled. "Good." I smiled. We both just kept on smiling. We felt so happy. I felt so happy around him, and I wasn't sure why. Every moment I spent with him, the feelings I'm my chest got deeper.

𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 | HaechanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora