"They're pussies." I say, squinting to see the two men more clearly.

"And you know that, how?" he asks.

"Just do." I shrug.

"What's your name?" he asks.

"I don't have one." I say, stopping in my tracks and looking up at him. "What's yours?" I ask, poking his stomach. He backed up one step.

"I don't have one." he says.

"That's a shame," I sigh. "Mine is Zahara." I say.

"I'm Harry." he says. "That's a very unusual name, Zahara."

"No, it's Arabian." I say. "My dad is Arab."

"Oh, it's still a cool name, though." he shrugs.

"Harry isn't." I admit.

"No, it's not." he chuckles, shaking his head. I bite back a smile.

"Why is your face busted?" I ask. "Did you get into a fight?"

"I'm a boxer." he nods.

"Oh, I see." I nod. "Pleasure or profession?" I ask, starting to walk again. He followed beside me.

"Both." he says.

"Did you win?" I ask.

"I did." he says.

It fell silent between us for some moments.

"What do you do, Zahara?" he asks.

"I'm a dancer." I say.

"What sort?" he asks, sounding intrigued.

"The stripping kind," I say, turning to him and smiling slightly. He raised his brows, as if to contemplate.

"That's cool." he says.

"May as well use the dance degree," I say.

"Degree? How old are you?" he asks.

"I'm twenty-one." I say. "How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-six," he says. My eyes widen.

"Old." I say.

"Wow," he chuckles. "Thanks so much."

"That accent, what is it?" I ask, still walking forwards.

"Cheshire." he says.

"Why are you in London?"

"You're quite nosy, has anybody ever told you that, Zahara?"

"Yep. Answer the question."

"For work," he chuckles. "Have you always lived here?"

"I have. My dad moved here before I was born." I say.

"Oh, cool."

It fell silent again.

"Where are we going?" Harry asks, once again being the one to break the silence.

"Around." I shrug.

"If I had left you to it, you'd be doing this alone?"

"I would."

"What was the family thing you were escaping?" he asks, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"A wedding."

"A wedding? Why did you want to escape that?" he asks, sounding shocked.

"I dislike them," I sigh.

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