two | eloquence

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My eyes flew open, staring up at a ceiling. A sigh of relief left my lips and I began to wonder if I slept for twenty-four hours. It seemed like it.

"It was only a dream." I murmur, a smile coming to my lips. My hand moves to the back of my head, feeling around for a fractured skull. Only to feel fine, felt my face for bruises and there were none!

Thank goodness I just imagined things. The dream felt so real though, it felt too real.

Sitting up in the bed, I stretch on the bed. A yawn leaving my mouth as I stare outside the window. Couldn't help but smile, relaxed that it was just a dream.

Don't know why my dream was about the Devil though - especially with a name Erebus.

"Is that name not good enough for you?"

I gasp loudly, and I look to my right. Staring at the same man who I saw in my dreams. Except he didn't have his wings anymore and he

"So it wasn't a dream?" I ask, and I watch him shake his head as he ran his fingers through his curls. Catching my eye at the way he limped towards the bed. When he sat down I heard the bed snap.

Staring at him, he only sighed in what it seemed like pain.

"Where is the pain?" I find myself asking, my instincts kicking in.

"I am just weak because I had to give you the rest of my human soul energy to save your life. Also made you my way to get to the demon world. Took much longer than it should have, but drained me so much. So much to the point of me being stuck in my human form until I gain my energy back." He told me, only to watch as he looked proud.

I on the other hand was confused. How was I made the portal to the demon world.

"Three questions that I have...Erebus." I say, and he ends up nodding. "Why was I made into a portal to the demon world and how? Why is it necessary?"

Erebus pulled up his sleeve, revealing tattoos that crept up his arms. Except they were a faint glow of a captivating light blue.

"In the process of me saving your life, I ended up losing all of my energy that could allow me to do these things by myself. I am in a weak position, so weak that as of right now, I am stuck in my human form. I had to take control of your core and make it mine, temporarily." He explained, and it still confused me.

"Why did you save me?"

Erebus raised his eyebrow at me, and I waited. Except he just faced forward and placed his hands behind his head, smiling.

"Because I wanted to." He breathed as he plopped his head onto the bed. "Just be thankful that I didn't leave you on the ground, with a fractured skull."

I flinch, frightened that I was in the position of being close to death. It's almost as if I was given another chance at life, but I didn't start over.

"Thank you, Erebus." I say, and his close at my words. He just shrugs, sitting up and then looking at me mischievously.

"While being stuck in my human form that lacks my protections or a presence of a soul, I could collapse without the energy I need. Do you know what that means?" He questions, and he begins to eye me with an inappropriate stare.

I lift the covers and begin to see that I had on only pants, so I was safe.

"No, I don't know what that means. Please inform me." I tell him almost desperately, becoming concerned.

At this moment I had the devil in my room and I didn't want to hear his words without questioning the meaning seriously. If I wasn't cautious I may regret it.

The Devils' Obsession Where stories live. Discover now