Orphans Lost [Pt. 1] Tomtord

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Blue, I'll go get that coffee." Tom's right hand man getting up from his seat rubbing at the spot Tord shot the rubber band. The raven haired man sending a glare the devilish man's way.

Once gone, Tom looked back at Tord with a look that meant he's in trouble.

"Tord, for the last time. Can you please stop messing with my officers." It wasn't even a question anymore much to Tom's displeasure.

Tord leans back in his seat with his arms crossed behind his head. A smug smirk forming on the man's lips. "Come on Thomas, it's fun."

"No it isn't, so stop it. I am seriously this close to asking for a partner change. Maybe then you'll be moved to another department so you'll stop bothering my officers." Tom's patience is running thin with his old roommate. Might he add his patience has always been running thin even when they were roommates.

Before Tom took the job as a police officer, he lived in a house where he split the rent with his friends and Tord. But along the way, Tom decided it was maybe time to part ways with them and hold a steady job. He even tried really hard to control his alcohol addiction with his favorite Smirnoff which worked surprisingly with the strong help of Edd and Matt.

He still kept in touch with the brunet and ginger as they still hold a strong bond with them. Edd took off in his career as an animator while Matt was able to keep his model job much to the Ginger's delight.

"You know you won't. You love me too much." Tord teases, kicking his feet up to rest on the ledge of his desk.

"Just watch me Commie! You are seriously trying my patience." Tom came back to his desk and tossed his partner a random folder. "Now do your job will you."

Tom had to question himself if Tord had followed him to get a job like this for a joke or annoy him. Probably both if he thought about it hard enough.

Tord picks up the folder and opens it up. His eyes seem to be analyzing the file of the person written about inside.

"Who's this Thomas? He kinda looks like you." If Tord had to be honest, this person looks like a mini version of Tom but with more personality. Instead of his causal blue hoodie, it's a baby blue hoodie with black color style on his shoulder and hood. Gray mask hanging off his neck. Bottoms are black pants with baby blue and white converse.

Tom looks up from the file he was looking through to see Tord holding up the attached photo. "Oh, that's Tomi. He a resident graffiti artist who gets caught most of the time vandalizing property around the area. The kid never stays long in the holding cell since a friend of his always bails him out."

Tord puts the photo back to read the rest of the file.

File: Graffiti Artist

Name: [First] Tomi [Last] Unknown
Age: 18 (currently)
Parents: [Mother] Unknown [Father] Unknown
Occupation: n/a
-possibly an orphan
-gets bailed out by a friend when caught
-causes trouble only by his art
-minor thievery
-can be a pretty nice kid when he wants to be
-looks like a mini version of Captain for some reason
-*His past and family are unknown
-*See to putting him into an orphanage if possible

"How come this is my first time knowing about him from this file?"

Tom could list out a lot of reasons why and it could take three days. To save time he might as well be blunt.

"You slack off," He says raising a finger up to count a few. "You don't pay attention," he raises another finger. "And I'm the one who mainly deals with him because he's my responsibility."

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