"Why not?"

"Why do I have to have a reason for everything", I huff.

"You've been acting weird ever since Gus visited", he crosses his arms over his chest, "I wanna know what's wrong".

"Why me?"


"Why did you pick me? What made you choose me? After all you went through a lot of trouble going undercover with my mother".

"Lana I don't want to-"

"I deserve an explanation after everything you've put me through".

He eyes me down for a second, probably realizing how serious I am right now.

"Alright", he gives in, "it's not that dramatic of a story".

"I'm listening".

"One day", he starts, " I was driving through your town from a job when I noticed a woman in the rain on the side or the road with a smoking car. I stopped offered to call her a tow truck and drive her home. When I was dropping her off I saw what must've been the most beautiful girl I've ever seen sitting out on the porch smoking a cigarette".


"And that girl was you", he shrugs, "I knew I had to have you no matter what. So I got your mothers number because I knew she'd be a way to get to you. Got a fake degree so I could teach at your school, convinced your mother to marry me and went from there".

"Wow", I stared back him with a blank expression, "just wow".

He sat in silence looking at me.

"You're an actual stalker", I stand up.

"Why are you doing this now Lana we've been doing so good", he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know Harry I was just trying to think as to why you would ruin my whole life, like maybe you'd have a good reason. But your actual reason is that I'm pretty? What the fuck"

"We have a connection and you know it, I'm not ruining your life baby I'm just giving you a different one".

"Oh you mean this one where I'm locked in a house all day surrounded by serial killers?!"

"We're not fucking serial killers", he screams walking around his desk.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night", I spit opening the door.

Before I can step out he comes from behind me and slams the door shut and shoved me hard against it.

"Be careful", I laugh feeling the pain spreading throughout my body, "you might hurt the baby".


I walked outside bare feet in the grass, my heartbeat was finally starting to slow down from the fight with Harry.

When I told him I thought I was pregnant his entire demeanor changed, and he said he would go get me a test as soon as possible.

He didn't seem as scared as I was, but then again I'm not the murdering drug lord, he is. That's not a life I think anybody would want for their child.

I noticed all the girls had left, the only person in the backyard was Zayn. He was sat smoking a cigarette staring out into nothing.

"Hey", I approach him taking a seat on the grass beside him.

"Hey", he replies hardly looking at me before taking another drag.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

Daddy IssuesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon