Chapter 19

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She had a sweet and sexy smile. One that just made you feel warm inside. Her blue eyes were mesmerizing and her long flowing brown hair was perfect. She had somewhat pale skin, a little tan, but not too much. She had some super cute freckles on her cheeks just below her eyes. I noticed all of this in the two seconds I said sorry for being in her way, and a quick hello before I walked down the stairs. I almost regretted leaving at that moment, but I'm pretty sure I'll see her again if one of her friends lives in my brothers dorm room.

  Overall, the night wasn't too bad. I met a lot of people, some cool, some not. So far college wasn't looking too bad. I managed to keep myself out of trouble at my first college party and I ran into a very good looking girl that I could definitely get myself into trouble with.

  I ran into my brother, obviously hung over, down in the food court the next morning "What's up bro?" I asked. "Oh my fucking god, my head is pounding!" Is all he could muster up to say as I kind of laughed and said "well what do you expect, you probably have more alcohol in your system than blood." He just gave me a mean ass look and sat down and put his head on the table and groaned. "Anyways, do you remember anything from last night, any of the girls there?" I asked. "I barely remembered my own name this morning" he said back as I chuckled. "Damn, there was this hot ass girl with long brown hair and blue eyes, kinda short, athletic build, she was coming in as I was leaving. I was hoping you'd remember her." I could see the wheels turning in his brain and he looked up and said " oh yeah I remember her vaguely. I didn't catch her name but she was from the same town as one of the other guys in the dorm. I believe she's staying over by you in your group of dorm buildings there." There were eight buildings grouped together around a little courtyard that was nicknamed "the jungle" which is where most everyone on campus lived minus a couple buildings a few minutes walk away, where my brother was.

  I only had two afternoon classes today, about 3 hours total. I was going to have to keep my eyes open today to see if I could spot her anywhere. My brother and I said our goodbyes and went on our separate ways. I went back to my room, showered, and got ready for classes. Jeans and tee shirt like usual. A little spray of Cool Water cologne and I was ready to go. My roommates weren't that bad but I didn't really like being there at all. i had only been there a short period of time, but I already knew that I wasn't going to get along with them. Just not my crowd. I was starting to come out of my shell of shyness and everyone here was all quiet and not outgoing at all. I had a better vibe in my brothers dorm room. There was a vacancy up there so before semesters end I was going to put in a request to transfer rooms. For now I'll just deal with it.

  Classes were pretty boring today. Sociology and Psychology, very intriguing. I didn't mind all the girls here though that's for sure. I could barely stay focused on the professor with all the eye candy everywhere. My hormones were going nuts. Short shorts, mini skirts, tight tops. I was in heaven and hell at the same time. i was supposed to be there to learn, but damn there's too many distractions. There's Freud or an ass hanging out of a pair of overly short shorts. Which one was I concentrating on? Not the right thing, but I just couldn't help it. I made it through the classes finally and went back to my dorm for a few minutes to drop off my books and stuff before I wandered over to my brothers place. Not too much going on over there. Basically everyone was over tired because they stayed up really late and were all hung over. I shot the shit with my brother for about an hour or so before I wandered off to walk the campus.

  In the back of my mind I was hoping I'd run into what's her name. That kind of bugged me that I never asked her name. i was too busy staring I guess. Anyways, it was a nice little campus. I found the weight room which was cool. The football team was in there and well, these guys were twice my size so I'm glad I didn't waste my time trying to play college football. I went back to my dorm and changed and went back and did a little working out for about an hour or so. There were a few good looking girls in there, but when I'm in the gym I'm there to work, not play. I have to stay in shape and healthy. I finish up and leave and go grab a bite to eat and head back to my room. No partying tonight for me again. Although I'm very into the party scene except for the drinking. There's just so many people to meet at these things. I never did run into her today which really wasn't a big deal at the moment.

  I went ahead and did my assignments from my classes earlier today because I hate procrastinating on things like that. I like to get things done and out of the way right away. I was used to doing this because of my high school days working shortly after school. I put that stuff away and double checked my classes for tomorrow. I have, biology and math tomorrow. I didn't test that well into math because I'm horrible at showing my work. I usually can look at a math problem and just know what it is and write the answer down within seconds. But when going into college, they need to see your thought process and I didn't show it at all so I tested pretty low even though all my answers were correct. One of those things I have to wotk on if I plan on passing any classes. I take a look at the books real quick and laugh at the material. This shit looks like I could have done it in sixth grade, which isn't an exaggeration. I put it away, set my alarm, then quickly turn it off because my classes don't start until the afternoon. At least I know I'm going to pass math with flying colors. I take a quick last peek out my window to see if I notice her anywhere, but after not seeing anything for a few minutes I lay down. It's one good thing about having quiet roommates that it's easy to get to sleep. I shut off my light and drift off happy to wake up to a new day.

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